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2019, 3/26 Public Works Committee Agenda

Roll Call and Determination of Quorum

Adoption of the Agenda

General Public Comment

A time for members of the public to discuss or express concerns to the Committee on any issue, not limited to items on the agenda. Action will not be taken at the meeting on any issue not on the agenda, except by placement on the agenda by unanimous vote of the Council members present.

CONSENT ITEMS – Items 1-17

Public Comment opened – Items 1-17
Public Comment closed

Remove Items from the “Consent Items” and Vote on Remaining Consent Items

1) Approve minutes of March 12, 2019.



2) PW032619-01: Authorize Staff to Advertise Bids for Park Drive Overlay Project No. 19-2475 I GIP No. 50798. Estimated Cost $140,000.00
3) PW032619-02: Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to sign Covenant Agreement to permit an existing structure to encroach into the adjacent Public Right-of-Way.
4) PW032619-03: Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to sign the Professional Services Agreement with HDR for Engineering Services for Feasibility Study to Evaluate Rapid City Providing Sanitary Sewer Service to Summerset, Project No.18-2464 / CIP No. 51208 in the amount of $59,930.00.
5) PW032619-04: Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to sign Professional Service Agreement for Rapid City Administration Center Renovation with TSP in the amount of $238,200.00 for Project No. 19-2491 / CIP 51225
6) PW032619-05: Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to sign Bridge Reinspection Program Resolution. Project No. 19-2502 / CIP # 50630
7) PW032619-06: Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to Sign an Agreement between the City of Rapid City and Ferber Engineering Company, Inc. for Omaha and LaCrosse Street Intersection Utility Upgrades, Project No. 19-2488 / CIP No. 51212. In the amount of $52,415.00.
8) PW032619-07: Authorize Advertising Authority Ready Mix Concrete for Various City Departments. $65,000 Estimated annually.
9) PW032619-08: Approve Change Order 1F to Sign Up LTD for Traffic Operations Upgrades-Sign Replacements Project, Project 18-2459/CIP 51047 for a decrease of $3,893.65.
10) PW032619-09: Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to sign Amendment 1 to the Construction Administration Professional Services Agreement with HDR, Engineering for Reservoir Road Trunk Sewer Extension, Project No. 15-2315 / CIP NO. 50328.1 in the amount of $19,500.00.
11) PW032619-10: Approve Change Order 1 to Tru-Form Construction Inc. for the MIPS Concrete Project, Project 17-2395/CIP 50298 for an increase of $1,518.00.
12) PW032619-16: Approve Purchase of current model year Ford F550 with Versa-Lift bucket from ABM Equipment on Sourcewell contract #01 2418-TM for a total price of $117,050.00.


13) PW032619-11: Approve Advertising Authority for the Purchase of Two (2) Current Model Year Single Axle Dump Trucks


14) PW032619-12: Approve extending current contracted bid with Hawkins Inc. for chemicals to Jackson Springs.


15) PW032619-13: Authorize Staff to Advertise for Bids for Parks and Recreation Bridge Improvements PR18-2406, estimated cost $150,000
16) PW032619-14: Authorize Staff to Advertise for Bids for Harney Little League Improvements (construct chain link fencing and furnish an install bleachers and dugouts), PR19-6170, estimated cost of $100,000
17) PW032619-15: Approve Sub-Lease Agreement between RC High School Baseball, Inc. and Black Hills Amateur Baseball, Inc. for use of McKeague Field for baseball program



Public Comment opened - Item 18-21
Public Comment closed


18) PW011519-13: Request by KTM Design Solutions on behalf of Yasmeen Dream, LLC for funding of drainage modifications located at Johnson Ranch Subdivision in the amount of $129,680.00.
19) PW011519-14.1: Request by KTM Design Solutions on behalf of Yasmeen Dream, LLC for reimbursement for detention pond improvements for the North Valley Park Stormwater Detention Pond, in the amount of $581,115.16 for total construction cost including right-of-way and easements.
20) PW011519-14.2: Request by KTM Design Solutions on behalf of Yasmeen Dream, LLC for reimbursement for repayment of one half of construction cost for sanitary sewer improvements for the North Valley Park in the amount of $110,445.05.


21) PW032619-17: Introduction and First Reading of Ordinance No. 6320 An Ordinance to Amend Section 8.08.090 of the Rapid City Municipal Code to Prohibit Unlawful Deposits of Refuse at City-Designated Drop-Off  Sites


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