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2016, 11/15 Public Works Committee Meeting Agenda

City of Rapid City, South Dakota
12:30 P.M. Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Roll Call and Determination of Quorum

Adoption of the Agenda

General Public Comment
A time for members of the public to discuss or express concerns to the Committee on any issue, not limited to items on the agenda.  Action will not be taken at the meeting on any issue not on the agenda, except by placement on the agenda by unanimous vote of the Aldermen present. 

CONSENT ITEMS – Items 1 – 21
            Public Comment opened – Items 1 – 21
            Public Comment closed

            Remove Items from the “Consent Items” and Vote on Remaining Consent Items


1)         Approve minutes of November 1, 2016.


2)         PW111516-24 – Confirm the appointment of Jenn Johnson to the Historic Preservation Commission.

3)         PW111516-25 – Confirm the reappointment of Galen Hoogestraat and new appointments of Gerald Sullivan, Mike Quasney, Mike Golliher, and Curt Huus to the Planning Commission.


      Approve Change Order

4)         PW111516-01 – Change Order #1 to Highmark Inc. for Southside Drive Sanitary Sewer Extension, Project No. 14-2095 / CIP No. 50328 for an increase of $16,380.51.

5)         PW111516-02 – Change Order #1 to R.C.S. Construction for Baldwin Reconstruction, Project No. 14-2189 / CIP No. 50822.1-1 for an increase of $23,850.28.

6)         PW111516-03 – Change Order #1F to J & J Asphalt Company for Pavement Rehab Back Nine & Pebble Beach, Project No. 15-2301 / CIP No. 50844 for an increase of $31,734.56.

7)         PW111516-23 – Change Order #1 to Highmark Inc. for Dyess Avenue Reconstruction and Downstream Drainage Channel Improvements, Project No. 12-2032 / CIP 50934 for an increase of $13,753.84.

      Authorize Staff To Advertise For Bids

8)         PW111516-04 – Mallow Street Radius Reconstruction, Project No. 16-2340 / CIP No. 51118.  Estimated Cost $70,000.00.

9)         PW111516-05 – RC Public Library – Public Area Update Project No. 16-2355.  Estimated Cost:  $125,000.00.

10)      PW111516-06 – East Rapid Water Expansion Water Reclamation Facility Water Main Extension, Project No. 14-2196 / CIP No. 50964.D. Estimated Cost: $1,400,000.00.

      Authorize Mayor And Finance Officer To Sign

11)      PW111516-07 – Amendment to the Agreement between the City of Rapid City and KTM Design Solutions, Inc. for Rapid Valley Sanitary Sewer Bypass, Project No. 13-2076 / CIP No. 50911, for an increase of $76,041.00 and amend the project completion date.

12)      PW111516-08 – Pipeline License #WL1120 for water main to cross the Railroad for East Rapid Water Expansion Water Reclamation Facility Water Main Extension. Project No. 14-2196 / CIP No. 50964.D.

13)      PW111516-09 – Professional Services Agreement for Alley south of Kansas City Street between 4th Street and 2nd Street Sanitary Sewer Improvements, Project No. 16-2338 / CIP No. 50827.

14)      PW111516-10 – “Consent to Cross a U.S. Government Easement” for use by The City of Rapid City to cross a waterline easement.

15)      PW111516-11 – Agreement Between the City, Holiday Stationstores, Inc., and the South Dakota Department of Transportation to permit Holiday to delay abandonment of sewer lines at the sewer main until the DOT reconstructs the intersection of Omaha Street and East Boulevard.

      Engineering Services

16)      PW111516-12 – Approve Request from Alex Drewitz for a Variance to Waive the Requirement to Install Sidewalk per Rapid City Ordinance 12.08.060 Along Wildwood Drive adjacent to 5515 Wildwood Drive, Rapid City.

17)      PW111516-13 – Approve Corrected funding for Bid Award Recommendation for Project No. 15-2300 / CIP No. 50844.

18)      PW111516-26 – Approve Corrected funding pages on Change Order #1 to Reede for Mount Rushmore Road - St James to Kansas City Street, Project No. 13-2139 / CIP No. 50950. The funding amounts were off by .02 cents across three funds. Overall dollar amount stays $55,643.79.  

      Rapid Transit Division

19)      PW111516-14 – Approve Grant submittal to Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and accept funds if awarded. 

      Solid Waste Division

20)      PW111516-15 – Authorize Mayor and Finance Director to sign a professional services agreement for Solid Waste Landfill Cells 18-19 Design of Liner and Leachate Collection System, Project No. SW2016-003.


21)      PW111516-16 – Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to Sign Resolution No. 2016-066 Establishing Rates for the Rapid City Department of Parks and Recreation.


NON-CONSENT ITEMS – Items 22 – 30
            Public Comment opened – Items 22 – 30
            Public Comment closed


22)      PW111516-17 – Traffic Signal Warrants and East Minnesota Street & Elk Vale Road Intersection – SDDOT.


            Engineering Services

23)      PW111516-18 – Request from Pennington County for a Variance to Waive the Requirement to Install Sidewalk per Rapid City Ordinance 12.08.060 along the Cambell Street Service Road, Rapid City.

24)      PW111516-19 – Appeal by KTM Design Solutions, Inc. of an Exception Request denial to waive the requirement to construct public improvements in Dyess Avenue.

25)      PW111516-20 – Appeal of Denial of Request for Exception to not dedicate additional Collector Street ROW along Luna Avenue.

26)      PW111516-21 – Sidewalk Discussion


27)      16VE020 - Elks Crossing - A request by Karissa Steiger for Multiple (See File) to consider an Appeal of Staff’s Decision on a Vacation of Easement for property generally described as being located at 4330, 4340, 4350, 4360, 4370, 4402, 4410, 4418, 4426, 4434, 4514, 4522 and 4538 Duckhorn Street.

28)      16VE021 - Elks Crossing - A request by Karissa Steiger for Cora Jo and Elton Barber to consider an Appeal of Staff’s Decision on a Vacation of Easement for property generally described as being located at 4835 Vinecliff Drive.

29)      16VE022 - Elks Crossing - A request by Karissa Steiger for Craig and Stacy Wehrle to consider an Appeal of Staff’s Decision on a Vacation of Easement for property generally described as being located at 4419 Vinecliff Drive.


30)      PW111516-22 – Acknowledge report from staff regarding wild turkey issues in Rapid City.


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