February 15, 2018, 10:00 A.M. – Council Chambers
300 Sixth Street, Rapid City, SD 57701
Committee members are reminded that members are subject to SDCL 3-23 (Disclosure Laws) which address the disclosure of any conflicts of interest a member may have regarding direct benefit from any item for the committee’s consideration. Members should report any potential conflicts to the committee chair before the meeting starts.
General Public Comment
A time for the members of the public to discuss or express concerns to the Executive Policy Committee on any transportation issue within the Metropolitan Planning Organization Area.
Agenda Items
1. Approve Minutes of the
December 14, 2017
(149 KB)
2. 18TP002 – Acknowledge the 2017 Traffic Count Book
3. 18TP003 – Approve the 2017 Annual Report
4. 18TP006 – Approve the I-90 Exit 61 to Exit 67 Corridor Study Final Report
5. 18TP007 – Approve the Coordinated Transit – Human Services Transportation Plan – Public Participation Plan Worksheet
6. 18TP008 – Approve the 2018-2021 Transportation Improvement Program Amendment 18-002
7. 18TP009 – Acknowledge the 2018-2021 Transportation Improvement Program Amendment 18-001A
Other Business
8 Safe Travel for Every Pedestrian
9. Update on Construction Projects
10. Update on Planning Projects