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2023 03 08 Historic Preservation Commission Meeting

Wednesday, March 8 / 8:00 – 9:30 a.m.

Join Zoom meeting
Meeting ID (access code): 893 1341 7211
Meeting passcode: 060866

 To join by phone, dial any of these numbers to connect:
(720) 9707-2699 United States Toll
(253) 215-8782 United States Toll
(646) 558-8656 United States Toll

The City Of Rapid City encourages written submission of public comment by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Committee members are reminded that members are subject to SDCL 3-23 (Disclosure Laws) which address the disclosure of any conflicts of interest a member may have regarding direct benefit from any item for the committee’s consideration. Members should report any potential conflicts to the committee chair.

Call To Order

General Public Comments

Approval of Meeting Agenda

New Business

Old Business

Approval of Minutes

  1. Approval of the  pdf January 26 (211 KB) and pdf February 8, 2023 (16 KB) meeting minutes


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