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2021 04 28 Historic Preservation Commission Meeting

Wednesday, April 28 / 8:00 – 9:30 a.m.

To join the WebEx meeting, go to
Meeting number (access code): 182 713 1888
Meeting password: dpCWimtt646 (37294688 from phones and video systems)
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The City Of Rapid City encourages written submission of public comment by email to
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Committee members are reminded that members are subject to SDCL 3-23 (Disclosure Laws) which address the disclosure of any conflicts of interest a member may have regarding direct benefit from any item for the committee’s consideration. Members should report any potential conflicts to the committee chair.

Call To Order

General Public Comments

Approval of Meeting Agenda

New Business

Old Business

  • TDG Website Update

Acknowledge 11.1 Reviews: April 8 – April 22, 2021

  • 915 Saint Cloud has a contributing secondary structure in the West Boulevard Historic District (non-contributing primary structure). The property owner proposes to demolish the structure due to severely deteriorated conditions and build a new secondary structure. The structure is proposed to be 27’ x 22’ and be loaded from the alley. It will have the same roof shape as the current structure and be clad with narrow lap siding to match the primary (non-contributing) structure. SHPO and City Staff determined that the demolition of the secondary structure is an adverse effect; however, the proposed new structure meets the Standards for New Construction. 21RS003/CIHR21-0006. Council approval on 4/19/21
  • 916 Saint Charles has a contributing secondary structure in the West Boulevard Historic District (non-contributing primary structure). The property owner proposes to demolish the structure due to deteriorating conditions. Council approval on 4/19/21.
  • 1120 West Boulevard is a contributing structure in the West Boulevard Historic District. The applicant requested to replace one historic fixed window with a new window insert of the same size, texture, color, and design in a composite (fibrex) material. The historic window sill and trim will be retained. The City and SHPO concurred no adverse effect on 4/14/21 since the window is not architectural significant. 21RS005/CIHR21-0008
  • 821 Saint Cloud is a contributing structure in the West Boulevard Historic District. The applicant proposes to replace 14 architecturally significant double hung windows with a composite replacement sash to match the current appearance of the historic windows. SHPO determined the project does not meet Standard 6 and has the potential to damage, destroy, or encroach upon historic property. The applicant is evaluating options. 4/21/21. 21RS006/CIHR2121RS009
  • 821 Saint Cloud is a contributing secondary structure in the West Boulevard Historic District. The applicant is repairing structural problems with the roof that will not change the structures appearance. The applicant also proposes to replace the pedestrian door and window on the secondary structure with a French door. The changes to the structure will largely be screened with a privacy fence. The City and SHPO determined the project will not damage, destroy, or encroach upon historic property 4/22/21. 21RS21RS008/CIHR2121RS0011

Approval of Minutes

  1. Approval of the pdf April 14, 2021 (126 KB) meeting minutes


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