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2019 09 11 Historic Preservation Commission

Wednesday, September 11, 2019 / 8:00 – 9:00 am
3rd Floor West Conference Room
City/School Administration Complex
300 Sixth Street

Committee members are reminded that members are subject to SDCL 3-23 (Disclosure Laws) which address the disclosure of any conflicts of interest a member may have regarding direct benefit from any item for the committee’s consideration. Members should report any potential conflicts to the committee chair.

Call To Order

General Public Comments

Approval of Meeting Agenda

11.1 Reviews: May 2, 2019 – September 4, 2019
a) 1121 West Boulevard is a contributing house and garage in the West Boulevard Historic District. A permit was request to build a kitchen addition and a garage addition. The kitchen addition meets the Standards for new construction in historic district; the proposed garage addition does not. The SHPO and HPC reviewed a case report for the garage addition and determined no adverse effect 8/5/19/. 19RS007/CIHR19-0011. The applicants must obtain a variance in order to construct the project.

b) 811 Fairview is a noncontributing structure in the West Boulevard Historic District. A permit was requested to replace the existing vinyl windows and doors with new vinyl windows and door to match. City and SHPO determined no adverse effect 6/14/19. 19RS008/CIHR19-0012.

c) 1330 West Boulevard is a contributing structure in the West Boulevard Historic District. A permit was requested to 1) cover a portion of the exposed front landing to mitigate damage caused by precipitation by extending the roof line and 2) install a wrought iron metal fence on a portion of the property. No adverse effect determined by City and SHPO on 6/19/19. 19RS009/CIHR19-0013.

d) 1811 9th Street is a contributing structure in the West Boulevard Historic district. A permit was requested to make exterior alterations to the back portion of the house and deck. No adverse effect determined by City and SHPO on 7/17/19. 19RS010/CIHR19-0015.

e) 1121 West Boulevard is a contributing structure in the West Boulevard Historic District. A permit was requested to replace 27 historic windows and 1 non-historic window. The existing condition of the windows are inoperable; rehabilitation was considered but not found to be feasible due to cost and contractor availability. The replacement windows will match the historic window’s opening size and replicate the historic divided lite pattern. The windows will be wood interior, clad exterior. City and SHPO determined no adverse effect on July 22, 2019. 19RS011/CIHR19-0016.

f) 1123 South Street is a contributing structure in the West Boulevard Historic District. A permit was requested to replace the tile roof with a red shingle roof due to extensive hail damage sustained this year that has resulted in water infiltrating the walls of the structure. The applicant’s provided a quote for an in-kind replacement which is not covered by insurance. Given the replacement shingles are compatible with the district, and can be reversed to more historically accurate material in the future, City and SHPO determined no adverse effect on August 2, 2019. 19RS012/CIHR19-0017.

g) 914 Quincy Street is a contributing structure in the West Boulevard Historic District. A permit was requested to replace 32 historic windows with new double hung wood composite windows to match the existing size and style. Photo documentation was provided to substantiate the need for replacement. The applicant is also repainting the historic siding and installing a condenser unit on the non-primary façade with conduit to match the colors of the siding/trim. City and SHPO determined no adverse effect on 8/19/19. 19RS013/CIHR19-0018.

h) 1225 Columbus Street is a non-contributing structure in the West Boulevard Historic District. A permit was requested to construct a 24’ x 24’ detached garage. City and SHPO determined conformance with the Standards for new construction and no adverse effect on 8/16/19. 19RS014/CIHR19-0019.

i) 1103 12th Street is a non-contributing structure in the West Boulevard Historic District. A permit was requested to expand a 2nd story balcony deck on the non-primary façade. City and SHPO determined no adverse effect on 8/20/19. 19RS015/CIHR19-0020.

j) 1220 Columbus Street is a non-contributing structure in the West Boulevard Historic District. A permit as requested to expand the concrete patio by approximately 7.5 feet and extend the roof to form a new covered porch. The gable ends will be sided with 12” lap siding to match what us currently on the home. City and SHPO determined no adverse effect on 8/23/19. 19RS016/CIHR19- 0021.

Approval of Minutes
2. Approval of the July 31, 2019 meeting minutes

Adjourn for Work Session to Plan 2020 CLG Conference

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