Tuesday, May 7 / 8:00 – 9:00 am
3rd Floor West Conference Rom
City/School Administration Complex
300 Sixth Street
Committee members are reminded that members are subject to SDCL 3-23 (Disclosure Laws) which address the disclosure of any conflicts of interest a member may have regarding direct benefit from any item for the committee’s consideration. Members should report any potential conflicts to the committee chair.
Call To Order
General Public Comments
Approval of Meeting Agenda
New Business
1. Discuss and determine potential next steps for pending demolition by neglect case in the Commercial District.
2. Discuss administrative review of non-contributing buildings.
Old Business
3. BID Grant Project to Update Signs
11.1 Reviews: March 1 – May 2, 2019.
a) 605 Main Street is a contributing structure in the Downtown Commercial Historic District. A permit as requested to make alterations to the non-primary façade. The scope of work includes 1) open up existing windows that have been bricked in on the south elevation 2) add new windows in a similar fenestration pattern on the east elevation (breezeway to the adjacent building) 3) add windows on the west elevation with similar rhythm and proportions and 4) add a window to the clerestory that will be above unit 5.City and SHPO determined no potential for adverse effect on 3/6/19/ 19CM001/CIHR19-0004
b) 306 7th Street is an Individually Listed Structure on the National Register of Historic Places. A permit was requested to make exterior alterations to accommodate the change in use of the property from restaurant to office. The project scope includes retrofitting the jack-knife doors on the primary (north façade); rehabilitating metal divided lite windows; replacing windows on the south (alley) façade; altering doors on the south (alley façade). City and SHPO determined no potential for adverse effect on March 15, 2019. 19CM002/CIHR19-0005.
c) 923 West Boulevard is a non-contributing structure in the West Boulevard Historic District. City and SHPO determined no adverse effect to remove a deck and construct a covered porch. 19/RS003/CIHR19-0006
d) 1214 West Boulevard is a contributing structure in the West Boulevard Historic District. City and SHPO determined no adverse effect to raise the home temporarily to make foundation repairs and to add three basement windows on non-primary facades. 19RS004/CIHR19-0007.
e) 822 South Street, garage, is a non-contributing structure in the West Boulevard Historic District. A permit was request to add LP Smartside lap siding, 6”. No adverse effect determined by City and SHPO on 4/126/19. 19RS005/CIHR19-0009.
Treasurer’s Report
March 31, 2019
(10 KB)
Approval of Minutes
5. Approval of the February 13, 2019,
February 27, 2019
(6 KB)
and March 18, 2019 meeting minutes