Tuesday, October 9 / 8:00 A.M. – 9:00 A.M.
3rd Floor West Conference Room
City/School Administration Complex
300 Sixth Street
Committee members are reminded that members are subject to SDCL 3-23 (Disclosure Laws) which address the disclosure of any conflicts of interest a member may have regarding direct benefit from any item for the committee’s consideration. Members should report any potential conflicts to the committee chair.
Call To Order
General Public Comments
Approval of Meeting Agenda
New Business
1. Approve Request for Qualifications/Statement of Interest for Preservation Plan Update
2. Comment on the National Register Nomination Amendment for the Downtown Commercial Historic District.
Staff Memo
(57 KB)
Proposed NR Amendment
(784 KB)
Comment Form
(8 KB)
11.1 Reviews: June 18, 2018 – August 13, 2018
a) 816 ½ St. James Street – A demolition permit was requested to demolish two non-contributing outbuilding structures. City and SHPO determined no adverse effect to historic property on 9/18/18. Any new construction on the site will be reviewed prior to issuing a construction permit. 18RS013/CIHR18-0032.
b) 817 Quincy Street –18RS014/CIHR18-0031 Demolish structure outside of environs (corrected needed to boundary on Rapid Map)
c) 1314 11th Street – A stop work order was issued for the replacement of siding and windows without a permit. Historic review/Case Report is pending following decisions to be made by the property owner.
d) 1514 West Boulevard is a non-contributing structure in the West Boulevard Historic District. A permit was requested to replace, and relocate one window on the north side of the structure. City and SHPO determined the proposed project will not have an adverse effect to historic property on 9/27/18. 18RS015/CIHR18-0034
Treasurer’s Report
August 31, 2018
(11 KB)
Approval of Minutes
4. Approval of the August 22, 2018 meeting minutes