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2018 07 11 Historic Preservation Commission

Wednesday, July 11 / 8:00 A.M. – 9:00 A.M.
3rd Floor West Conference Room
City/School Administration Complex
300 Sixth Street

Committee members are reminded that members are subject to SDCL 3-23 (Disclosure Laws) which address the disclosure of any conflicts of interest a member may have regarding direct benefit from any item for the committee’s consideration. Members should report any potential conflicts to the committee chair.

Call To Order

General Public Comment

Approval of Meeting Agenda

New Business
1.  Comment on the proposed new construction single family home located at 1221 12th Street.
pdf Case Report (175 KB)
pdf Exhibit A: Proposed Building Elevations (195 KB)
pdf Exhibit B: Written Description (203 KB)
pdf Exhibit C: West Boulevard Historic District and Surrounding Property Map (232 KB)
pdf Exhibit D: Surrounding Property Photographs (1010 KB)
pdf Exhibit E: Building Height Survey (147 KB)
pdf Exhibit F: Building Width Analysis (478 KB)
pdf Exhibit G: Original Design Plans (1.05 MB)
pdf Exhibit H: Neighbor Signatures (9.64 MB)

HPC Action: Pursuant to South Dakota Codified Law 1-19A011.1, the HPC may 1) agree with the findings in the Case Report, 2) disagree with the findings of the Case Report, or 3) decline to comment on the Case Report.

Through the meeting record, the HPC may also provide additional comments on the proposed new construction.

2.  Discuss the Draft Downtown Historic District National Register Nomination.:
  pdf State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) Notes (310 KB)
pdf Draft Nomination Form (810 KB)
pdf Draft Map of Boundary Changes (512 KB)

3.  Discuss Preservation Comprehensive Plan Process

Old Business
4.  None

11.1 Reviews: May 4 – June 18, 2018
a) 823 Saint James is a contributing structure in the West Boulevard Historic District. A permit was requested to re-build a staircase/deck on the back of the house (non-primary façade). The City and SHPO determined no adverse effect on 6/8/18. 18RS009/CIHR18-0017.

b) 809 11th Street is a non-contributing structure in the West Boulevard Historic District. A permit was requested to replace windows with pine interior, clad exterior tilt pants; install a fiberglass door on the east (primary) façade to match the existing door on the other side of the porch; remove and replace the shed roof on the back of the house; rebuild the stairs on the front of the house to match the original stairs; replace the shingles; build a three stall garage; and pour concrete patio and sidewalks at the back of property. The City and SHPO determined no adverse effect on 6/22/18.  18RS010/CIHR18-0018.

Committee Reports

Treasurer’s Report
5.  pdf June 13, 2018 (11 KB)

Approval of Minutes
6.  Approval of the June 27, 2018 meeting minutes


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