Wednesday, May 9 | 8:00 A.M. – 9:00 A.M.
3rd Floor West Conference Room
City/School Administration Complex
300 Sixth Street
Call To Order
General Public Comment
Approval of Meeting Agenda
New Business
1) 2018 Preservation Awards
2) 2018 – 2019 CLG Grant Application Update
Old Business
Downtown Walking Tour
(2.39 MB)
4) Window Restoration Workshop Follow up
11.1 Reviews: February 22, 2018 – May 3, 2018
a) Proposal for new construction at 1221 12th Street is suspended. Waiting for applicant to submit a revised proposal per their request.
b) 1011 Saint Joseph Street is a contributing structure in the West Boulevard Historic District. A permit was requested to convert the multi-family dwelling back to a single family dwelling, replace 29 windows, open the enclosed porch on the primary façade, and make alterations to the rear nonhistoric sun porch. City and SHPO determined no adverse effect on 3/27/18. 18RS004/CIHR18-009
c) 1209 West Boulevard is a contributing structure in the West Boulevard Historic District. A permit was requested to replace to basement windows on the south side of the structure to meet egress requirements. City and SHPO determined no adverse effect on 4/23/18. 18RS005/CIHR18-0010
d) 1611 9th Street is contributing structure in the West Boulevard Historic District. A permit was requested to replace a basement window on the front of the house ot meet egress requirements. City and SHPO determined no adverse effect on 4/23/18. 18RS006/CIHR18-011
e) 1419 11th Street is contributing structure in the West Boulevard Historic District. A permit was requested to replace a basement window on the non-primary façade to meet egress requirements. City and SHPO determined no adverse effect on 4/25/18. 18RS007/CIHR18-012
Committee Reports
Treasurer’s Report
February 28, 2018
(10 KB)
Approval of Minutes
6) Approval of the February 28, 2018 meeting minutes