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2018 02 14 Historic Preservation Commission

Wednesday, February 14 / 8:00 A.M. – 9:00 A.M.
3rd Floor West Conference Room
City/School Administration Complex
300 Sixth Street

Call To Order

General Public Comment

Approval of Meeting Agenda

New Business
1) Carla Cushman, City Attorney. Discuss SD Supreme Court finding in historic preservation case.
2) Develop Program for 2017-2018 Grant Application

Old Business
3) Downtown Walking Tour Update
4) TDG website update

11.1 Reviews: January 17 – February 5, 2018
a) 1318 West Boulevard is a non-contributing structure in the West Boulevard Historic District. A permit was requested to replace the existing 10” siding with a 5” pressed wood siding, and replace two windows and one door. The replacement windows will be wood Pella windows to fit the existing openings. City and SHPO determined no potential for adverse effect 1/18/18. 18RS001/CIHR18-0001.
b) 1002 Main Street is a non-listed structure in the environs of Halley Park. A demolition permit was requested to demolish the oil tanks and brick structure. City and the SHPO determined no potential for adverse effect on 1/29/18. 18CM001/CIHR18-0003.
c) 906 Saint Charles Street is a contributing structure in the West Boulevard Historic District. A permit and variance request have been submitted to construct a 24 x 24’ detached garage at the rear of the lot accessible from the alley. The design of the proposed structure will be compatible with the existing building on the lot and the historic neighborhood. City and SHPO determined no adverse effect on 2/2/18. 18RS002/CIHR18-0004
Committee Reports

Treasurer’s Report
6) pdf December 31, 2017 (10 KB)

Approval of Minutes
7) Approval of the January 24, 2018 meeting minutes


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