City of Rapid City, South Dakota
12:30 P.M., January 27, 2021
Council Chambers, City Administration Center, 300 6th Street
Call to Order
At this meeting, we anticipate that a quorum will be present, and issues requiring official action will be considered and discussed, but there will be no official action or voting at this meeting.
1) WS012721-29: Explanation of Updated Ordinances 13.08.390.A and 13.08.430.2
DISCUSSION ITEMS (Council Non-Consent Calendar)
REGULAR BUSINESS ITEMS (Council Consent Calendar)
2) WS012721-12: Authorize Purchase of a 2021 John Deere 4052R Compact Utility Tractor from RDO Equipment Co. with Sourcewell Grounds Maintenance Pricing in the Amount of $56,089.61 with a Trade-In of a John Deere 2155 Tractor for $2,600.00 and a 2016 Kubota for $11,450.00 for a Total Price of $42,039.61
3) WS012721-15: Authorize Staff to Purchase a 2021 RAM 3500 Regular Cab, 4X4, 6.4L V8 Truck from Liberty Superstores with Matching State Bid Pricing in the Amount of $29,991.90
4) WS012721-16: Authorize Staff to Purchase a 2021 RAM 5500 Regular Cab, 4X4, 6.4L V8 Truck from Liberty Superstores with Matching State Bid Pricing in the Amount of $39,161.00
5) WS012721-23: Authorize Staff to Purchase a 2022 Ford F750 Diesel Regular Cab Base 212” WB 138” CA with Crysteel “Select” 16’ Dump Body from National Auto Fleet with Sourcewell Pricing for a Total Price of $104,693.00
6) Acknowledge the Following Volunteers for Worker’s Compensation Purposes: Shirley Brost (RSVP+), Johnnie Daum (RSVP+), Loretta Endres (RSVP+), Bonnie Fugate (RSVP+), Donna Juran (RSVP+), Sally Levengood (RSVP+), Bonnie Manning (RSVP+), Jane Mattson (RSVP+), Robert Ryther (RSVP+), Sue Sisson (RSVP+), Karen Turgeon (RSVP+), Les Turgeon (RSVP+), Lorie Umphrey (RSVP+), Joanne Vigoren (RSVP+), Bonnie Witt (RSVP+), Connie Zimbleman (RSVP+)
7) WS012721-09: Acknowledge December 2020 General Fund Cash Balance Report
8) WS012721-10: Acknowledge November 2020 Sales Tax Report
9) WS012721-11: Approve Resolution No. 2021-005 a Resolution Declaring Miscellaneous Personal Property Surplus to be traded and/or donated
10) WS012721-17: Approve Resolution No. 2021-007 a Resolution Declaring Miscellaneous Personal Property surplus to be discarded
11) WS012721-20: Approve Resolution no. 2021-008 a Resolution Authorizing and the Issuance of Gross Receipts Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2021, of the City; Pledging the Revenues of the Gross Receipts Tax of the City to the Payment of Said Bonds; Authorizing Officers of the City to Approve, Execute and Deliver Certain Agreements and Documents Relating to Bonds
12) WS012721-22: Authorize Mayor and Chief of Police to Sign the 2021 Federal Equitable Sharing Agreement
13) WS012721-26: Approve Request for Property Tax Abatements as Follows: City of Rapid City (Tax ID 70020), 2020, $701.94; David Snyder (Tax ID 21873), 2020, $1129.64; Rapid City Police Officers (Tax ID 44526), 2020, $2,987.02; City of Rapid City (Tax ID 70021), 2020, $14,070.96; City of Rapid City (Tax ID 28598), 2020, $91.10; City of Rapid City (Tax ID 36523), 2020, $4,586.88; City of Rapid City (Tax ID 39203), 2020, $452.28; City of Rapid City (Tax ID 24964), 2020, $584.24; Donald Back (Tax ID 46473), 2020, $601.48; Prairie Acres (Tax ID 8002299), 2020, $40.58; Prairie Acres (Tax ID 8010607), 2020, $25.20; NW Engineering (Tax ID 8005859), 2020, $47.84. [Total for City of Rapid City: $24,614.22]
15) WS012721-01: Request Authorization to Seek Proposals for Professional Services for Dyess Avenue Reconstruction – Seger Drive to City Limits, Project No. 20-2630 / CIP No. 51282
16) WS012721-02: Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to Sign an Agreement Between the City of Rapid City and FMG Engineering, Inc. for Wonderland Drive Area Street and Utilities Reconstruction Phase 1, Project No. 20-2609 – CIP 51070.1
17) WS012721-03: Authorize Staff to Purchase One (1) New Current Model Year Bucket Truck Through the Versalift Sourcewell Cooperative Contract #012418-TIM with ABM Equipment in the Amount of $97,785.00
18) WS012721-04: Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to Sign Agreement Between the City of Rapid City and Frank P. Boyle for Temporary Construction Easements and Permanent Sanitary Sewer Main Easements for Property Located at 3637 Edwards Street for the Elk Vale Lift Station Gravity Main and Force Main Project, Project No. 18-2480 / CIP No. 50729, in the Amount of $40,400.00
19) WS012721-05: Request from Stephen and Sharon Richards for a Variance to Waive the Requirement to Install Sidewalk Along Pine Hills Drive and Sturgis Road, Rapid City, per City Ordinance 12.08.060 Staff Recommendation: APPROVE
20) WS012721-06: Authorize Mayor and Finance Director to Sign a Joint Funding Agreement Between U.S. Department of Interior, U.S. Geological Survey and City of Rapid City for 2021 Water Resource Investigations, CIP No. 51279. The City of Rapid City’s Share of the Program is $138,000.00
21) WS012721-07: Request from R.C.S. Construction, Inc. for a Variance to Waive the Requirement to Install Sidewalk Along Commerce Road and Fountain Plaza Drive, Rapid City, per City Ordinance 12.08.060 Staff Recommendation: APPROVE
22) WS012721-08: Request Authorization for Staff to Seek Proposals for Engineering Services for Race Track Draw Drainage Basin Design Plan (DBDP) Update, Project No. 20-2628, CIP No. 51315
23) WS012721-13: Authorize Staff to Advertise Bids for St. Cloud Street Reconstruction Project – 5th St. to Highland Crt, Project No. 19-2487 / CIP No. 51036. Estimated Cost $2,640,000.
24) WS012721-14: Request from KTM Design Solutions, Inc. on behalf of Western Housing Enterprises, LLC for a Variance to Waive the Requirement to Install Sidewalk along 1804 East Highway 44, Rapid City, per City Ordinance 12.08.060 Staff Recommendation: APPROVE
25) WS012721-18: Authorize Staff to Advertise for Bids Downtown Lighting Project Phase 3 CIP #51228 Engineers Estimate $400,000
26) WS012721-21: Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to Sign an Agreement between the City of Rapid City and Skyline Engineering, LLC for Construction Administration for the Downtown Lighting, Project No. 20-1613 / CIP No. 51228, in the amount of $112,705.00
27) WS012721-24: Approve Final Recommendation for the FY20 Community Development Block Grant CV3 Funds
28) WS012721-19: Confirm the Reappointments of Nick Patton and Rick Denherder to the Downtown BID Board
29) WS012721-25: Confirm the Appointment of Shawna Retka to the Community Investment Committee
30) WS012721-28: Approve 2021 Insurance Renewal Amounts for Property, Liability, and Excess Worker’s Compensation
REGULAR BUSINESS ITEMS (Council Non-Consent Calendar)
None Identified
Public Comment opened
Public Comment closed