12:30PM Wednesday, August 11, 2021
At this meeting, we anticipate that a quorum will be present, and issues requiring official action will be considered and discussed, but there will be no official action or voting at this meeting.
None Identified
DISCUSSION ITEMS (Council Non-Consent Calendar)
1) WS072821-22: Second Reading and Recommendation of Ordinance No. 6456, An Ordinance to Amend and Adopt Provisions of the Rapid City Municipal Code Relating to Animals in Title 6
2) WS081121-01: Approve Resolution No. 2021-071, a Resolution Establishing Fees Pertaining to the City’s Designated Animal Control Authority
3) WS081121-26: Allocation of Surplus Undesignated Funds
A. Fire Station 1 Renovation $ 15,035,000
B. Fire Training Tower $ 1,500,000
C. Police Southwest Precinct $ 1,500,000
D. Public Safety Radios $ 1,000,000
E. Street Projects $ 565,000
F. IT Equipment $ 200,000
G. Bookmobile $ 200,000
TOTAL $ 20,000,000
REGULAR BUSINESS ITEMS (Council Consent Calendar)
4) WS081121-02: Allow Mayor, Finance Officer, and Fire Chief to sign a joint powers agreement between the Fire Department and the State of South Dakota.
5) WS081121-03: Authorize Staff to Apply for and Accept if Awarded, the LEPC (Local Emergency Planning Committee) Grant in the amount of $4,332.58.
6) WS081121-04: Authorize Staff to Apply for and Accept if Awarded The South Dakota Department of Health- Community Health Worker Grant Application (SD DOH-CHW) up to the amount of $50,000. This is a non-cost matching grant, with no cost to the department or the city.
7) WS081121-05: Authorize Mayor and Finance Director to Sign Resolution No. 2021-077, a Resolution to Enter into a Lease Agreement with Rapid City Midget Football Association, Inc.
8) WS081121-06: Authorize Mayor and Finance Director to Sign Resolution No. 2021-078, a Resolution to Enter into a Lease Agreement with Rushmore Hockey and Skating Association.
9) WS081121-07: Authorize Mayor and Finance Director to Sign Resolution No. 2021-079, a Resolution to Enter into a Lease Agreement with Black Hills Figure Skating Club.
10) WS081121-08: Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to Sign Contract and Statement of Work for Internet Services Between SDN Communications (SDN) and the City of Rapid City (City)
11) Acknowledge the Following Volunteers for Worker’s Compensation Purposes: RSVP - Orin Bader, William Bosch, Gary Goodrich, Joanne Goodrich, Karen Greetis, Janeen Larsen, Linda Lester, Charles (Mike) Madler, Larry Miller, Sam Perry, Donald Petersen, Robin Pladson, Gary Renner, Jon Veltman, Betty Weyrauch
12) WS081121-09 Resolution 2021-076 – Resolution Levying Assessment for Abatement of Nuisances
13) WS081121-10: Approve Change Order #3 to Muth Electric, Inc. for Downtown Lighting Project Phase 2, Project 20-20-2613 / CIP 51228 for an increase of $7,878.00.
14) WS081121-11: Approve Change Order #1F to J & J Asphalt for Pavement Rehabilitation Project – Mary Drive, Project No. 19-2545 / CIP 50844 for a decrease of $14,467.73.
15) WS081121-12: Resolution 2021-080 A Resolution Appointing the Public Works Director as City Representative to a Regional Nonprofit Corporation Established to Study and Pursue Additional Water Sources for West River Residents
16) WS081121-13: Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to sign agreement between the City of Rapid City and RCS Construction, Inc. for 2020 Miscellaneous Improvements Projects - Water Reclamation Facility Digester Boiler Replacement, Project No. 21-2651/ CIP No. 51132.3. for an amount not to exceed $373,500
17) WS081121-14: Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to sign Change Order No. 2 with Veolia ES / Technical Solutions, LLC (Contractor) for 2021 Collection and Disposal of Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) One-day event for Rapid City Solid Waste Customers, Project Number: 2572 / CIP No. 51206 in the amount of $70,452.28.
18) WS081121-15: Authorize the Mayor and Finance Director to Sign Resolution No. 2021-074 A Resolution Establishing a Maximum Connection Fee for Sewer Construction Projects in the Source Water Protection Area.
19) WS081121-16: Request Authorization to Seek Proposals for Engineering Services for Signal Drive and Kellogg Place Street and Utility Reconstruction, Project No. 21-2670 / CIP No. 51170.
20) WS081121-17: Request from KTM Design Solutions Inc., on behalf of WAUSAU SUPPLY CO. for a variance to waive the requirement to install sidewalk along 3356 Dyess Ave., Rapid City, per RCMC 12.08.060.
Staff Recommendation: APPROVE
21) WS081121-18: Approve Request for Interfund Loan of $1,056,260 Between SAB28 Fund and The Monument Fund
22) WS081121-19: Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to sign Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement between the City of Rapid City and MA Mortenson Company for Scope of Work related to Civic Center Expansion, Project No. 2452
23) WS081121-20: Approve Resolution No. 2021-081, a Resolution Concerning Tax Sale Certificate No. 170359
24) 21TP018: Authorize the Mayor and Finance Director to sign the Professional Services Agreement with Felsburg Holt & Ullevig for the Cambell Street Structure Replacement Multi-modal Routing Study in an amount not to exceed $99,152.73
25) 21RS010: Request by John Riker for a determination by the City Council that there are no feasible and prudent alternatives to the proposed project in a historic district located at 1116 9th Street, and that the proposal contains planning to minimize harm to the historic property pursuant to SDCL1-19A-11.1 and RCMC 17.54.080
26) WS081121-21: Confirm the reappointment of Michael Magda to the Rapid City Area Air Quality Board.
REGULAR BUSINESS ITEMS (Council Non-Consent Calendar)
27) WS081121-22: Introduction and First Reading of Ordinance 6502 Regarding Supplemental Appropriation #5 for 2021.
28) WS081121-23: Introduction and First Reading of Ordinance No. 6501 An Ordinance to Prohibit Public Smoking of Marijuana by Adopting Section 8.32.060 of the Rapid City Municipal Code
29) WS081121-24: Resolution No. 2021-075 to Update Petty Cash Funds and Change Funds
30) WS081121-25: Appeal by Devin Wolter of 1018 Blaine Avenue of an Exception Request denial to allow a driveway approach with less than 50’ of clearance from College Avenue.
Staff Recommendation: DENY
Public Comment opened
Public Comment closed