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2021, 07/14 Working Session Agenda

12:30PM Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Call to Order

At this meeting, we anticipate that a quorum will be present, and issues requiring official action will be considered and discussed, but there will be no official action or voting at this meeting.


Findings of Feasibility Study for Tax Increment District #84 Booster Pump Station

DISCUSSION ITEMS (Council Non-Consent Calendar)

1) WS071421-01: Assessment Appeal – Nicki Kuchenbecker
Staff Recommendation: DENY

REGULAR BUSINESS ITEMS (Council Consent Calendar)

2) Acknowledge the Following Volunteers for Worker’s Compensation Purposes: RSVP – Gary Helmer, Paula Lee, Gillian Scott-Roybal, Dr. Rose Jarvis; RCPL – Bridget Ricks, Rosemary Ricks, Duston Ricks
3) WS071421-02: Resolution 2021-067 – Resolution Levying Assessment for Abatement of Nuisances
4) WS071421-03: Acknowledge May 2021 Sales Tax Report
5) WS071421-17: Acknowledge Report on Retail (on-off sale) Malt Beverage Licenses eligible for Video Lottery

6) WS071421-04: Acknowledge the findings of the Feasibility Study for Tax Increment District #84 booster pump station and approve staff recommendations for the relocation of the booster pump station; allocate staff resources to prepare an agreement with the developer identifying the terms of the booster pump station relocation, design and construction; investigate funding sources for additional infrastructure needed to support regional development in the Shepherd Hills area.
7) WS071421-05: Approve Change Order 1F to J & J Asphalt for City Springs Lane Overlay Project, Project #19-2552 for a decrease of $2,450.90.
8) WS071421-16: Approve Change Order 1 to Dakota Barricade LLC for 2021 Lane Line Painting, Project #21-2649/CIP 50594. This is a no cost change order to adjust the interim deadline.
9) WS071421-06: Authorize Mayor And Finance Officer To Sign Amendment 1 To SD DOT Agreement 716932 To Authorize Expenditures For Replacement Or Rehabilitation Of Bridges That Do Not Appear On The Original Exhibit A To The Agreement, Provided That The State’s Office Of Administration Has Confirmed To The City, In Writing, That The Subject Bridges Are Classified In Poor Condition And Extend The Expiration To Funds Until December 31, 2025.
10) WS071421-07: Authorize Mayor and Finance Director to Sign an Amendment to the original Agreement between the City of Rapid and Longbranch Civil Engineering, Inc. for Professional Engineering Services for Robbinsdale Phase 6 Design, Project No. 19-2515, CIP No. 51232, in the amount of $9,220.00.
11) WS071421-08: Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to sign Amendment No. 3 with FMG Engineering, Inc for Elk Vale Reservoir Water Level Investigation, Project No. 19-2511/CIP No. 51238 in the amount of $13,745.00.
12) WS071421-09: Authorize Staff to Advertise Bids for Pavement Rehabilitation Project – W. St. Louis St., Project No. 20-2625 / CIP No. 50549. Estimated Cost $315,000.00.
13) WS071421-10: Authorize Staff To Advertise For The E Main Street N Bridge Repair, Project No. 19-2525/ CIP 51247 For $1,300,000.
14) WS071421-11: Authorize Staff to Advertise Bids for 2020 Miscellaneous Improvements Projects, Facility Type Projects (Bid Pack. #3), Project No. 20-2608 / CIP 51132.4. Estimated Cost $2,750,000.00.

15) WS071421-12: Approval of the CDBG FY21 Annual Action Plan Amendment

16) WS071421-13: Approve Change Order to agreement with Convergent Technologies to increases scope of work to include additional security enhancements, in the amount of $2,592.22.
17) WS071421-14: Confirm the appointment of Tyler Read to the Performing Arts Board.

REGULAR BUSINESS ITEMS (Council Non-Consent Calendar)

18) WS071421-15: Resolution No. 2021-068 to Update Petty Cash Funds and Change Funds


Public Comment opened
Public Comment closed


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