12:30 PM Wednesday, April 14, 2021
Call to Order
At this meeting, we anticipate that a quorum will be present, and issues requiring official action will be considered and discussed, but there will be no official action or voting at this meeting.
None Identified
DISCUSSION ITEMS (Council Non-Consent Calendar)
1) WS041421-01: Appeal by DEVCOR, LLC of an Exception Request denial to allow HDPE water service in lieu of copper tubing from the main to the curb stop.
Staff Recommendation: DENY
2) WS041421-02: Request by Kari Kadrmas for a determination by the City Council that there are no feasible and prudent alternatives to the demolition of a contributing structure in a historic district located at 817 Saint Cloud Street, and that the proposal contains planning to minimize harm to historic property pursuant to SDCL1-19A-11.1 and RCMC 17.54.080.
Staff Recommendation: APPROVE
3) WS041421-03: Request by Joanne and Roger Schriver for a determination by the City Council that there are no feasible and prudent alternatives to the proposed demolition of a contributing structure in a historic district located at 915 Saint Cloud Street, and that the proposal contains planning to minimize harm to historic property, pursuant to SDCL1-19A-11.1 and RCMC 17.54.080.
Staff Recommendation: APPROVE
4) WS041421-05: Introduction and First Reading of Ordinance No. 6464 – An Ordinance Establishing Chapter 8.40 regarding Nuisance Sidewalks and Amending Chapter 12.08 regarding Sidewalk Construction and Repair.
5) WS041421-06: Authorize Mayor and Finance Director to sign Settlement Agreement Between the City of Rapid City, SSST, LLC, and Dennis Zandstra Real Estate Holdings, LLC for TIF 65 Minnesota Street Certified Costs.
REGULAR BUSINESS ITEMS (Council Consent Calendar)
6) WS041421-07: Approve Resolution No. 2021-028 a Resolution of Intent to Enter into a Lease for Badlands Sabres Hockey Group LLC Located at 235 Waterloo Street.
7) Acknowledge the Following Volunteers for Worker’s Compensation Purposes: RCPL - Andrea Wagner; RSVP – Dawn Koehler, Malcolm McCaleb, Julie Walkins, Sara Andres
8) WS041421-08: Approve Resolution No. 2021-029 - A Resolution Authorizing The Issuance of Sales Tax Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2021, of the City; Pledging a Portion of the Sales Tax Receipts of the City to the Payment of Said Bonds; Authorizing Officers of the City to Approve, Execute and Deliver Certain Agreements and Documents Relating to the Bonds
9) WS041421-09: Resolution No. 2021-030 – Resolution Levying Assessment for Abatement of Nuisances
10) WS041421-10: Resolution 2021-031 - Resolution Declaring Miscellaneous Personal Property Surplus To Surplus As Trade
11) WS041421-11: Authorize Mayor & Finance Director to Sign Electric Cooperative Revenue Agreement for 2022
12) WS041421-12: Request from Wayne Hellman for a variance to waive the requirement to install sidewalk along Cabot Hill Road, Rapid City, per City Ordinance 12.08.060.
Staff Recommendation: APPROVE
13) WS041421-13: Request from Fisk Land Surveying & Consulting Engineers for a Variance to Waive the Requirement to Install Sidewalk, per City Ordinance 16.16.050, along the roadway frontage of Schroeder Road and Ridgeland Loop for proposed Lots A, B & C.
Staff Recommendation: APPROVE
14) WS041421-14: Authorize Mayor and Finance Director to sign DOT Resolution to Delete Bridge from NBI (National Bridge Inventory).
15) WS041421-15: Approve change order 3F to Mainline Contracting, Inc. for Northridge Booster Pump Station and Stoney Creek Booster Pump Station Improvements, Project #2178 for an increase of $8,226.12.
16) WS041421-16: Approve Change Order 1 To Tru-Form Construction, Inc. For 2020 ADA Project, Project #2062 for an increase of $9,851.80.
17) WS041421-17: Authorize Staff To Advertise For Bids For 2021 Lane Line Painting, Project No. 21-2649 9 CIP No. 50594. Estimated cost: $150,000
18) WS041421-18: Authorize Staff to Advertise Bids For Miscellaneous Improvements Projects, Facility Type Projects Digester Boiler Replacement, Project No. 21-2651 / CIP 51132.3. Estimated Cost $200,000.
19) WS041421-19: Acknowledge Correction To The Authorization Submitted With Item WS011321-11 For Agreement Between The City Of Rapid City And AET For The Annual 2021 Environmental Monitoring Of The Rapid City Landfill. The Actual Contract Dollar Amount IS $116,715.44. The Authorization Form Was Erroneously Submitted For $116,715.50.
20) WS041421-25: Approve Update To The Authorization For Purchase Submitted As Item WS012721-03 For Purchase Of (1) New Current Model Year Bucket Truck Through Versalift, Sourcewell Cooperative Contract #012418-TIM With ABM Equipment. The Contract Amount Is $98,690.00 Instead Of The $97,785.00 Originally Requested.
21) WS041421-20: Authorize Purchase Of Garbage And Recycling Containers From Rehrig Pacific Company Using Omnia Partners Cooperative Contract Pricing, In The Amount Of $47,584 .52
22) WS041421-21: Request For Extension Of A Contract With SNF Polydyne For Purchase Of Cationic Sludge Polymer For The Water Reclamation Facility. The Extended Price Is $1.38/Lb With An Estimated Annual Expenditure Of $82,800.00 For 60,000lbs.
23) WS041421-04: FY21 Community Development Block Grant Contract & Indenture of Restrictive Covenants for Youth and Family Services, Inc.
24) WS041421-22: Authorize Mayor and Finance Director to Sign Purchase Agreement in the amount of $150,000 between City of Rapid City and Benneco, LLC and Authorize the Public Works Director to Accept the Deed for Lots 22, 23, 24, 25 and 26 and Park Lots and vacated Upper Pines Drive in Pine Heights Subdivision.
25) WS041421-23: Confirm the appointment of Chris Huber to the MARC Board, also known as the Journey Museum Board of Directors.
REGULAR BUSINESS ITEMS (Council Non-Consent Calendar)
26) WS041421-24: Introduction and First Reading of Ordinance 6483 Regarding Supplemental Appropriation #2 for 2021.