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2021, 02/10 Working Session Agenda

12:30PM Wednesday, February 10, 2021


At this meeting, we anticipate that a quorum will be present, and issues requiring official action will be considered and discussed, but there will be no official action or voting at this meeting.


None Identified

DISCUSSION ITEMS (Council Non-Consent Calendar)

1) WS021021-03: Introduction & First Reading Of Ordinance 6471 - An Ordinance Repealing Chapter 1.08 Of The Rapid City Municipal Code Relating To Wards And Precincts And Adopting A New Revised Chapter 1.08 Of The Rapid City Municipal Code

2) WS021021-04: Introduction & First Reading Of Ordinance 6477 - An Ordinance To Remove Requirement That Property Owners Open City Utility Accounts By Amending Provisions In Chapter 13.08 Of The Rapid City Municipal Code

3) No. 08TI009 – Sections 28 and 29, T2N, R8E – Approve Resolution 2021-006 - Resolution To Dissolve Tax Increment District No. 69 For Property Generally Described As Being Located North Of U.S. Interstate 90, East Of Lacrosse Street And West Of Dyess Avenue

REGULAR BUSINESS ITEMS (Council Consent Calendar)

4) WS021021-05: Authorize Staff To Apply And Accept If Awarded The Assistance To Firefighters Grant Is For The Amount Of $528,415.14 Funding The Upgraded Radios To Work On The New P-25 State Radio System
5) WS021021-06: Authorize Staff To Apply And Accept If Awarded The Assistance To Firefighters Grant Is For The Amount Of $70,000 Funding 1-Ton 4x4 Crew Cab Vehicle
6) WS021021-07: Authorize Staff To Apply And Accept If Awarded The HLS (Homeland Security) Grant In The Amount Of $48,979.80 Funding A Raman Analyzer And Training For Hazardous Materials Response.
7) WS021021-08: Authorize Staff To Apply And Accept If Awarded The (Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness) Grant In The Amount Of $47,000 Funding Four Separate Training Workshops/Classes Focused On Hazardous Materials Transportation.
8) WS021021-09: Authorize staff to purchase a 2021 Dodge Durango AWD from Liberty Superstores with matching state bid pricing in the amount of $26,111.
9) WS021021-10: Authorize Mayor and Finance Director to Sign Resolution 2021-013, A Resolution Declaring Personal Property Surplus and Authorizing the Trade-in of Such Surplus Property

10) WS021021-11: Authorize Staff to Request Proposals for Custodial Services for Various Restroom Facilities within the Park System.

11) Acknowledge the Following Volunteers for Worker’s Compensation Purposes: James Lawton Field, RCPD Auxiliary
12) WS021021-12: Resolution 2021-010: Resolution Declaring Miscellaneous Personal Property Surplus to be discarded.
13) WS021021-13: Resolution 2021-012: Resolution Declaring Miscellaneous Personal Property Surplus to be traded.

14) WS021021-14: Approve change order 8 to Simon Contractors of SD, Inc. for E. Blvd. E. North Street Utility Reconstruction Project, Project #2170 for an increase of $10,977.65.
15) WS021021-15: Authorize Mayor and Finance Director to Sign an Agreement between the City of Rapid and HDR Engineering, Inc. for Construction Administration for the LaCrosse Street Interchange Utility Improvements Project No. 16-2318/ CIP No. 51108, in the amount of $106,091.00
16) WS021021-16: Authorize Mayor and Finance Director to sign Agreement Between the City of Rapid City and Discovery Circle, LLC for Temporary Construction Easements and Permanent Sanitary Sewer Main Easements for the Elk Vale Lift Station Gravity Main and Force Main Project, Project No. 18-2480 / CIP No. 50729, in the amount of $34,650.00.
17) WS021021-17: Approve change order 5F to Mac Construction Co., Inc. for City Hall Renovation Project, Project #2491 for an increase of $6,299.30.
18) WS021021-18: Authorize staff to advertise for bids E. Watertown St Water Main Replacement. Project #20-2501 CIP #51076. Estimated Cost $550,000.00.
19) WS021021-19: Approve change order 1F to Mainline Contracting, Inc. for Lake Herman Outfall Improvements, Project #2589 for an decrease of $34,764.88.
20) WS021021-20: Authorize Mayor and Finance Director to enter into an agreement with Kent and Karin Hagg for Reimbursement of Expenses Related to Regency Ct. Storm Sewer and Slope Repair.
21) WS021021-21: Authorize Staff to Advertise Bids for Regency Court Storm Sewer Improvement, Project No. 20-2599/CIP No. 51301. Estimated Cost $350,000.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve Contingent Upon Approval of Item WS021021-20
22) WS021021-22: Authorize Staff to Advertise Bids for Knollwood Drainage Basin Detention Element 303, Project No. 20-2601 / CIP No. 51303. Estimated Cost $250,000.
23) WS021021-23: Authorize Staff to Advertise Bids for 2020 ADA Project, Project No. 20-2602 / CIP No. 50761 Estimated Cost $150,000.
24) WS021021-24: Approve change order 1 to Muth Electric, Inc. for Downtown Lighting Project Phase 2, Project #2613 for an increase of $43,739.00.
25) WS021021-25: Authorize Staff to Advertise Bids for Pavement Rehabilitation Project – Forest Ct., Project No. 20-2624 / CIP No. 50844. Estimated Cost $225,000.00.
26) WS021021-26: Authorize Staff to Seek Proposals for Engineering Services for the 2021 Water Facilities Arc Flash Analysis Assessment Report, Project Number 21-2635 /CIP Number 51318
27) WS021021-27: Authorize lowering the requirement that the Contractor perform a minimum of 50% of the work to 35% of the work for the 2020 Miscellaneous Improvements Projects, General Civil Projects, Project No. 20-2605 / CIP 51132.1.
28) WS021021-28: Authorize staff to purchase two (2) new 2021 Toyota Tacoma 4x4 pickup trucks through the Sourcewell Cooperative contract #120716-NAF with National Auto Fleet Group. In the amount of $28,841.48 each for total of $57,682.96.
29) WS021021-29: Approve request to purchase one (1) New 2021 Ram 1500 regular cab, 4X4, 5.7L, long box pickup truck from Liberty Superstores with matching State Bid Contract #17345 pricing in the amount of $25,832.00.
30) WS021021-30: Authorize Mayor and Finance Director to sign Updated Joint Powers Maintenance Agreement with the Department of Transportation and Pennington County for two streetlights on Long View Road north of SD Highway 44 east of Rapid City, thereby formalizing Pennington County’s responsibility to maintain and repair the lights which the DOT owns and to reimburse Rapid City for monthly electricity costs.
31) WS021021-31: Approve Extension of Water Reclamation Odor control chemical contract with Hawkins, Inc at the same contract price of $2.83/gallon for calendar year 2021. Estimated usage is 7,500 gallons for an extended price of $21,225.00.

32) WS021021-01: Authorize the Mayor and Finance Director to sign the FY20 CDBG-CV Community Development Block Grant Low/Moderate-Income Contract for the United Way of the Black Hills
33) WS021021-02: Authorize the Mayor and Finance Director to sign the FY20 CDBG-CV Community Development Block Grant Urgent Need Contract for the United Way of the Black Hills

Public Comment opened (3-minute time limit per speaker)
Public Comment closed

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