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2020, 12/02 Council Working Session


City of Rapid City, South Dakota

12:30PM Wednessday, December 2, 2020

Council Chambers, City Administration Center, 300 6th Street

Please remember to turn all cellular phones off or to vibrate when entering the council chambers. 

Call to Order

At this meeting, we anticipate that a quorum will be present, and issues requiring official action will be considered and discussed, but there will be no official action or voting at this meeting.  


None identified

DISCUSSION ITEMS (Council Non-Consent Calendar)

Community Development

1.  20RD001: Approve Resolution No. 2020-082 a Request by City of Rapid City for a Road Name Change from Soo San Drive to Sioux San Drive for property generally described as Soo San Drive between West Main Street and Canyon Lake Drive

Public Works

2.  WS120220-25: Appeal by Janelle Finck of an Exception Request Denial to Allow Pavement Width Less than 20 Feet Wide as Part of a Subdivision

Staff Recommendation: Deny

3.  WS120220-26: Appeal by Janelle Finck of an Exception Request Denial to Waive the Requirement to Install Water Main in HW Gould Memorial Drive as Part of a Subdivision

Staff Recommendation: Deny

4.  WS120220-27: Appeal by Broker Fund Dividend, LLC of an Exception Request Partial Denial to Waive the Requirement to Install Public Improvements in East Anamosa Street

Staff Recommendation: Deny

REGULAR BUSINESS ITEMS (Council Consent Calendar)

Mayor’s Office

5.  WS120220-05: Second Amended Request Authorizing the City Hall Maintenance Division to Purchase a 2021 Dodge Ram for $28,674 in Accordance with State Bid

6.  WS120220-29: Authorize the Mayor to Hire a Full-time HRC/MOA Coordinator at a NU21 Step 20

Community Development

7.  WS120220-21: Approve Final Substantial Amendment to Abbott House FY18 and FY19

8.  WS120220-22: Approve Preliminary FY2021 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funding Recommendations

9.  20TP007: Authorize Staff to Advertise A Transit Development Plan Request for Proposals


10. WS120220-01: Acknowledge September 2020 Sales Tax Report

11. WS120220-04: Acknowledge October 2020 General Fund Cash Balance Report

12. WS120220-23: Authorize Mayor and Finance Director to sign Life Safety Loan Agreement with Every Child is Special, LLC in an Amount not to Exceed $75,244.00

13. WS120220-24: Approve Resolution No. 2020-091 a Resolution Amending Certain Fees to be Charged in 2021 for Various Licenses, Permits and Applications

14. Acknowledge the Following Volunteers for Worker’s Compensation Purposes: Alyce Harich (RSVP+), Adam Namyst (Library), Sandra Asheim (RSVP+), Delphine Maier (RSVP+), Raymond Maier (RSVP+), Susan Chaplin (RSVP+), Sharon Allard (RSVP+), Karen Buchholz (RSVP+), Roger Buchholz (RSVP+), Lucille Estrada (RSVP+), Everett Foilette (RSVP+), Helen Ann Friedt (RSVP+), Marvin Friedt (RSVP+), Marlene Kotab (RSVP+), William Atyeo (RSVP+), Mark Chaplin (RSVP+), Richard Deaver (RSVP+), Eric Fowler (RSVP+), Ellen Funke (RSVP+), Geanie Gardiner (RSVP+), Robert Grams (RSVP+), Linda Grenz (RSVP+), Mark Hurlburt (RSVP+), Gordon Kotab (RSVP+), Sharon Powers (RSVP+), Robert Quickstad (RSVP+), Larry Schemmel (RSVP+), Anton Werlinger (RSVP+), Vickie Werlinger (RSVP+), Gale Ramberg (RSVP+), Joanna Jones (RSVP+)

Public Works

15. WS120220-06: Approve change Order 7 to Simon Contractors of the Black Hills, Inc. for East Boulevard /East North Street Utility Reconstruction Project No. 14-2170/CIP No. 50866.1 for an Increase of $9,331.20

16. WS120220-07: Approve Change Order 1 to Mainline Contracting, Inc. for Northridge Booster Pump Station and Stoney Creek Booster Pump Station Improvements, Project No. 2178/CIP No. 50812.CD for an Increase of $5,711.49

17. WS120220-08: Approve Change Order 1F to Site Works Specialists, Inc. for St. Cloud Reconstruction, Project No. 2279/CIP No. 50796 for a Decrease of $44,858.75

18. WS120220-09: Approve Change Order 1F to Mainline Contracting, Inc. for Meade Sewer Manhole Relocation Project, Project No. 2378/CIP No. 51162 for an Increase of $1,350.37

19. WS120220-10: Approve Change Order 1F to Simon contractors of SD, Inc. for Lion Drive Rehabilitation Project, Project No. 2474/CIP No. 50549 for a Decrease in the Amount of $5,562.09

20. WS120220-11: Approve Change Order 1F to Lind-Exco, Inc. for Flormann St Water Main Replacement Project, Mt. Rushmore Rd to Apollo Circle, Project No. 2512/CIP No. 51235 for an Increase of $9,872.28

21. WS120220-12: Approve Change Order 2F to J.V. Bailey, Inc. for Sheridan Lake Rd Panel Repair Project, Project No. 2556/CIP No. 50445 for an Increase of $16,080.56

22. WS120220-13: Approve Change Order 2F to Tru-Form construction, Inc. for Pavement Rehabilitation Project, Tower Rd Project No. 2587/CIP No. 50798 for a Decrease of $4,675.11

23. WS120220-14: Authorize Mayor and Finance Director to Sign an Amendment to the Original Agreement Between the City of Rapid City and Advanced Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc. (AE2S) for Engineering Services for Elk Vale Lift Station Gravity Main & Force Main Upgrades Project No. 18-2480/CIP No. 50729, in the Amount of $28,513.00

24. WS120220-15: Authorize Staff to Seek Proposals for Consultant Services for Fire Station #1 Improvements Project No. 2612 CIP No. 51310

25. WS120220-16: Authorize Youth and Family Services to Make Improvements to a City Building Currently Leased at 410 E Monroe Street

26. WS120220-17: Approve Extension of 2018 Street Light Maintenance Contract with Lighting Maintenance Co. a Division of Solar Sound Corp. Through Calendar Year 2021 at 2018 Unit Prices for Maintenance of City and SDDOT-owned Street Lights

27. WS120220-18: Authorize Staff to Advertise for Bids for One (1) New Current Model Year Tandem Axle Dump Truck with Anti-Icing system and Valved for Future Plow in the Amount of $182,000.00

28. WS120220-19: Authorize Staff to Advertise for Bids for One (1) New Current Model Year Single Axle Sander Truck with Pre-Wet System and V-Plow with Estimated Cost of $190,000.00

29. WS120220-20: Approve Request to Grant Permanent Drainage Easement to Discovery Village Apartments LLLP to Benefit Property in the Scotts Addition Subdivision. The Developer Agrees to Pay $1,346.40 to the City in Exchange for Granting this Easement

Fire Department

30. WS120220-02: Approve Resolution No. 2020-088 a Resolution Writing Off Uncollectable Ambulance Billing Accounts in the Amount of $912,211.15


31. WS120220-03: Approve Rapid City Regional Airport Rates and Charges for FY2021

Parks and Recreation Department

32. WS120220-28: Authorize Parks and Recreation Department to Harvest 250 Deer for the 2020/2021 Season

Public Comment opened


Public Comment closed


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