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2020, 11/10 Council Working Session

Call to Order

At this meeting, we anticipate that a quorum will be present, and issues requiring official action will be considered and discussed, but there will be no official action or voting at this meeting.


None Identified

DISCUSSION ITEMS (Council Non-Consent Calendar)

1) PW102720-11: Introduction and Second Reading of Ordinance No. 6447 An Ordinance to Amend Section 8.08.070 of the Rapid City Municipal Code to Clarify Inclusion of Solid Waste Charges in the Utility Rate Relief Program
Staff Recommendation: APPROVE
2) PW102720-12: Introduction and Second Reading of Ordinance No. 6442 An Ordinance to Revise and Clarify Certain General Provisions in Title 13 Public Utilities and Services by Amending Chapter 13.04 of the Rapid City Municipal Code
Staff Recommendation: APPROVE
3) PW102720-13: Introduction and Second Reading of Ordinance No. 6443 An Ordinance to Revise and Clarify Certain Provisions Concerning the City’s Water Service System by Amending Chapter 13.08 of the Rapid City Municipal Code
Staff Recommendation: APPROVE
4) PW102720-14: Introduction and Second Reading of Ordinance No. 6444 An Ordinance to Revise and Clarify Certain Provisions Concerning the Sewer Service System by Amending Chapter 13.16 of the Rapid City Municipal Code
Staff Recommendation: APPROVE

5) LF102820-09: Approve Resolution No. 2020-084 A Resolution to Resolve Three Outstanding Deeds Related to the Rapid City Indian Boarding School Lands

REGULAR BUSINESS ITEMS (Council Consent Calendar)

6) Approve Minutes of October 27, 2020 Public Works meeting
7) Approve Minutes of October 28, 2020 Legal & Finance meeting

8) WS111020-01: Authorize the Mayor and Finance Director to sign the City of Rapid City and Black Hills Council of Local Governments Performance Contract for FY2021
9) WS111020-02: Approve Final Substantial Amendment to the FY20 Community Development Block Grant Annual Action Plan
10) WS111020-03: Approve Preliminary Substantial Amendment to FY18 and FY19 Activity for Abbott House

11) WS111020-04: Resolution No. 2020-086 – Resolution Levying Assessment for Abatement of Nuisances
12) Acknowledge the Following Volunteers for Worker’s Compensation Purposes: Linda Grenz (RSVP+), Kathleen (Kay) Ingalls (RSVP+), Maryann Stroschein (RSVP+), Rena Boersma (RSVP+), Ria Harper (Solid Waste)
13) WS111020-16: Authorize Mayor and Finance Director to Sign Agreement with Convergent Technologies in the amount of $71,696.96 for security enhancements at City Hall.
14) WS111020-17: Authorize Mayor & Finance Officer to Sign Amended Renewal Ready Subscriber Agreement with Black Hills Power, Inc., dba Black Hills Energy

15) WS111020-05: Approve change order 1 to Heavy Constructors, Inc. for West Omaha Street Utilities, Project #2099/CIP NO.50904 for an increase in the amount of $43,113.65
16) WS111020-06: Approve Change Order #1 for Fitzgerald Stadium Renovations Project No. 19-2508 CIP #51231 with MAC Construction for an increase of $124,557.87.
17) WS111020-07: Authorize Mayor and Finance Director to Sign 2nd Bridge Improvement Grant (BIG) Agreement with South Dakota Department of Transportation for Cambell Street Box Culvert Outlet Repair. Project No. 15-2313 / CIP No. 51035.
18) WS111020-08: Authorize Staff to Seek Proposals for Engineering Services for Southeast Area Trunk Sewer Reconstruction – Elm Ave to Prairie Ave Project No. 20-2571 / CIP No. 50829.
19) WS111020-09: Authorize Staff to Advertise Bids for Abandon Omaha Trunk Sewer – 1st Street to Maple Avenue Project, Project No. 20-2610 / CIP No. 51307. Estimated Cost $80,000.
20) WS111020-10: Authorize Staff to Advertise for Bids for Downtown Lighting Project. Project 20-2613/CIP 51228, for an estimated $2,000.500.
21) WS111020-11: Authorize Purchase of Trimble R12i Model 60 ROW from Frontier Precision, in the amount of $27,085.50 from State Contract
22) WS111020-12: Authorize Request to purchase Three GPS Survey Equipment Setups off the State Contract from Frontier precision in the amount of $26,075.25.
23) WS111020-13: Authorize Staff to submit transit grant application to FTA, and accept and administer if awarded, for 5307 Formula funds for operating assistance in the amount of $1,285,218.00
24) WS111020-14: Approve a request from Dakota Castles, Inc. for a variance to waive the requirement to install sidewalk along Feather Ridge Court and Hwy 44, Rapid City, per City Ordinance 12.08.060.

25) WS111020-15: Authorize Mayor and Finance Director to sign and accept the additional Project Safe Neighborhood grant funding.

Public Comment opened
Public Comment closed

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