pdf PDF Version of the 12/27/21 agenda (125 KB)
Rapid City, South Dakota
Monday, December 27, 2021 at 12:00 p.m.
Second Floor, Council Chambers
GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT (3-minute time limit per speaker)
Open Public Comment – Items 1 - 3 (3-minute time limit per speaker)
Close Public Comment – Items 1 – 3
1. No. LF121521-02 – Approve the Second Reading of Ordinance No. 6520 Regarding Supplemental Appropriation #8 for 2021.
Recommendation: Approve
2. No. CC122721-01 – Approve Bill List for December 27, 2021
Recommendation: Approve
Community Development Non-Consent Items
3. No. 21TP026 – Approve Agreement between the City of Rapid City and the South Dakota Department of Transportation for accomplishing the Rapid City Area Transportation Planning Process in the amount of $651,232
Recommendation: Approve
Open Public Hearing (comment) - Items 4 - 18 (3-minute time limit per speaker)
[Public Hearing Remains Open]
Close Public Hearing (comment) – Items 4 - 18
4. No. 21PD046 - Appeal of Planning Commission’s decision on a request by From the Hills to consider an application for a Major Amendment to A Planned Development Overlay to allow a Medical Cannabis Dispensary for property generally described as being located at 530 Cambell Street.
Appeal of Planning Commission’s decision to approve
5. No. 21UR037 - Appeal of Planning Commission’s decision on a request by Emmett Reistroffer for Genesis Farms, LLC to consider an application for a Conditional Use Permit to allow Medical Cannabis Dispensary for property generally described as being located at 1565 Haines Avenue
Suite B.
Appeal of Planning Commission’s decision to approve
6. No. 21UR038 - Appeal of Planning Commission’s decision on a request by Emmett Reistroffer for Genesis Farms, LLC to consider an application for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a Medical Cannabis Dispensary property generally described as being located at 1624 E. St. Patrick Street, Suite 106.
Appeal of Planning Commission’s decision to approve
7. No. 21UR039 - Appeal of Planning Commission’s decision on a request by Emmett Reistroffer for Genesis Farms, LLC to consider an application for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a Medical Cannabis Dispensary for property generally described as being located at 1624 E. St. Patrick Street, Suite 107.
Appeal of Planning Commission’s decision to approve
8. No. 21UR040 - Appeal of Planning Commission’s decision on a request by Emmett Reistroffer for Genesis Farms, LLC to consider an application for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a Medical Cannabis Dispensary for property generally described as being located at 1624 E. St. Patrick Street, Suite 101.
Appeal of Planning Commission’s decision to approve
9. No. 21UR041 - Appeal of Planning Commission’s decision on a request by Emmett Reistroffer for Genesis Farms, LLC to consider an application for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a Medical Cannabis Dispensary for property generally described as being located at 1624 E. St. Patrick Street, Suite 108.
Appeal of Planning Commission’s decision to approve
10. No. 21UR042 - Appeal of Planning Commission’s decision on a request by Emmett Reistroffer for Genesis Farms, LLC to consider an application for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a Medical Cannabis Dispensary for property generally described as being located at 709 Mountain View Road.
Appeal of Planning Commission’s decision to approve
11. No. 21UR043 - Appeal of Planning Commission’s decision on a request by Emmett Reistroffer for Genesis Farms, LLC to consider an application for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a Medical Cannabis Dispensary property generally described as being located at 1565 Haines Avenue, Suite A.
Appeal of Planning Commission’s decision to approve
12. No. 21UR044 - Appeal of Planning Commission’s decision on a request by Emmett Reistroffer for Genesis Farms, LLC to consider an application for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a Medical Cannabis Dispensary for property generally described as being located at 1565 Haines Avenue, Suite E.
Appeal of Planning Commission’s decision to approve
13. No. 21UR045 - Appeal of Planning Commission’s decision on a request by Emmett Reistroffer for Genesis Farms, LLC to consider an application for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a Medical Cannabis Dispensary for property generally described as being located at 1565 Haines Avenue, Suite C.
Appeal of Planning Commission’s decision to approve
14. No. 21UR047 - Appeal of Planning Commission’s decision on a request by Michael Willard for Tree House Cannabis LLC to consider an application for a Conditional Use to allow a Medical Cannabis Dispensary for property generally described as being located at 2525 W. Main Street, Suite 104 and 105.
Appeal of Planning Commission’s decision to approve
15. No. 21UR048 - Appeal of Planning Commission’s decision on a request by Cody Schad to consider an application for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a Medical Cannabis Dispensary for property generally described as being located east of Tower Road, north of Hanks Drive.
Appeal of Planning Commission’s decision to deny
16. No. 21UR049 - Appeal of Planning Commission’s decision on a request by Emmett Reistroffer for Genesis Farms, LLC to consider an application for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a Medical Cannabis Dispensary for property generally described as being located at 608 St. Joseph Street.
Appeal of Planning Commission’s decision to approve
17. No. 21UR050 - Appeal of Planning Commission’s decision on a request by Emmett Reistroffer for Genesis Farms, LLC to consider an application for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a Medical Cannabis Dispensary for property generally described as being located at 610 St. Joseph Street.
Appeal of Planning Commission’s decision to approve
18. No. 21UR051 - Appeal of Planning Commission’s decision on a request by Emmett Reistroffer for Genesis Farms, LLC to consider an application for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a Medical Cannabis Dispensary for property generally described as being located at 230 East North Street.
Appeal of Planning Commission’s decision to approve