pdf PDF Version of 3/16/20 City Council Agenda (263 KB)
City of Rapid City, South Dakota
6:30 P.M., Monday, March 16, 2020
INVOCATION (You are welcome to participate, but not required)
1. Proclamation for Meals on Wheels Nutrition Community Champions Week and Adult Nutrition Month
2. Recognize Morry Crow as Veteran of the Month
3. LEGO Jedi Team Presentation – Chad Lewis The Lego Robotics Competition in Greece has been cancelled so this presentation is cancelled.
GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT (3-minute time limit per speaker)
A time for the members of the public to discuss or express concerns to the Council on any issue not on the agenda. Action will not be taken at the meeting on any issue not on the agenda, except by placement on the agenda by unanimous vote of the Council members present.
Open Public Comment – Items 4 – 35 (3-minute time limit per speaker)
Close Public Comment
CONSENT ITEMS – Items 4 – 35
Remove Items from the “Consent Items” and Vote on Remaining Consent Items
Approve Minutes
4. Approve Minutes for the
March 2, 2020
(145 KB)
Regular Council meeting.
5. Approve Minutes for the
March 10, 2020
(78 KB)
Special Council meeting.
Tax Increment District Set for Hearing (April 6, 2020)
6. No. 20TI002 - A request by City of Rapid City for a Resolution to approve TID No. 68 Project Plan Amendment #1 to reallocate project plan costs for property generally described as being located at the eastern terminus of Homestead Street.
Alcoholic Beverage License Applications Set for Hearing (April 6, 2020)
7. Sheree Schriver DBA Jambonz Deux(2), 740 Mt. View Road for a Retail (on-sale) Liquor License TRANSFER (Inactive) TRANSFER from Elizabeth Frederick DBA Joe’s Place Bar & Grill, 4302 Pendleton Drive
8. Zymurcracy Beer Co. for a SPECIAL EVENT On-Sale Malt Beverage license for an event scheduled for June 27, 2020 at Storybook Island, 1301 Sheridan Lake Road
9. Rushmore German Club for a SPECIAL EVENT On-sale malt beverage license and on-sale wine license for an event scheduled for August 21-29, 2020 at the Central States Fair, 800 San Francisco Street
Public Works Committee Consent Items
10. PW031020-01: Authorize Public Works Director to Accept Warranty Deed for a portion of Lots 9 through 11 in Block 18 of Providence Addition, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota.
11. PW031020-02: Approve Change Order #3 to Tru-Form Construction, Inc. for Disk Drive and Haines Avenue Intersection, Project 16-2347/CIP 51121 for an increase of $6,616.60.
12. PW031020-03: Approve Change Order #1F to R.C.S Construction, Inc. for Knollwood Drainage Basin Element 3 Improvement, Project 19-2526/CIP 51248 for an increase of $2,153.73. Actual quantities adjusted to complete the project.
13. PW031020-04: Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to sign Bridge Reinspection Program Resolution. Project No. 20-2576 / CIP No. 50630
14. PW031020-06: Authorize Staff to Advertise Bids for Sheridan Lake Rd. Panel Repair Project No. 19-2556 / CIP No. 50445. Estimated Cost $400,000.00
15. PW031020-07: Authorize Staff to Advertise for Bids for Hot Mixed Asphaltic Concrete. Estimated Cost: $161,000.00.
16. PW031020-08: Authorize Staff to Advertise for Bids for Limestone Gravel for Various City Departments. Estimated cost $87,000.00.
17. PW031020-09: Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to Sign Resolution No. 2020-016 Construction Fee Resolution for Cobalt Drive Sanitary Sewer Bypass Frontage - Per Front Footage Fee, Project No. 14-2127.
18. PW031020-10: Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to Sign Resolution No. 2020-017 Construction Fee Resolution for Cobalt Drive Sanitary Sewer Bypass Oversize - Per Acre Fee, Project No. 14-2127.
19. PW031020-12: Approve Request from Dave and Jan Snyder for a variance to waive the requirement to install sidewalk along Pinecrest Drive, Rapid City, per City Ordinance 12.08.060.
20. PW031020-13: Approve Request from Jim and Susan Laughland for a Variance to Waive the Requirement to Install Sidewalk along Corral Drive, Rapid City, per City Ordinance 12.08.060.
21. PW031020-14: Approve Request from Affordably Creative Engineering Services, Inc., for a Variance to Waive the Requirement to Install Sidewalk along frontage of the lot located at 110 N Poplar Avenue. per City Ordinance 12.08.060 C
22. PW031020-15: Approve Extension of contract awarded May 6, 2019 to Pete Lien & Sons, Inc. for Ready Mixed Concrete.
23. PW031020-16: Approve Extension of contract awarded May 20, 2019 to Tru-Form Construction for Concrete Replacement for Main Breaks.
24. PW031020-17: Approve Extension of contract for Water Reclamation Odor control chemical with Hawkins, Inc at the same contract price of $2.83/gallon for calendar year 2020. Estimated usage is 7,500 gallons for an extended price of $21,225.00.
25. PW031020-05: Approve Change Order No. 1 to Western States Fire Protection for Fire Suppression Halley, Dinosaur, Meadowbrook & Executive, Project No. PR19-6167 for an increase of $34,139.
Legal & Finance Committee Consent Items
26. LF031120-10 – Approve Resolution No. 2020-019 a Resolution Declaring Miscellaneous Personal Property Surplus
27. LF031120-03 – Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to Sign and Accept if Awarded the 2020 Community Oriented Policing (COPS) Law Enforcement Mental Health and Wellness Act (LEMHWA) Grant
28. LF031120-01 – Authorize Staff to Apply for and Accept if Awarded a 2020 Technical Assistance Grant through the Hazardous Safety Administration for the Amount of $35,000.00
29. Acknowledge the Following Volunteers for Worker’s Compensation Purposes: Mary Gummo (Fire Department), Lisa Saunders (Fire Department)
30. LF031120-02 – Approve FY2020 Rapid City Arts Council for Community Investments (Arts & Humanities)
31. LF031120-06 – Approve Resolution No. 2020-018 a Resolution Levying Assessment for Abatement of Nuisances
32. LF031120-09 – Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to Sign Electric Cooperative Agreement with West River Electric Association and Black Hills Electric Cooperative for FY 2021
33. LF031120-08 – Authorize Payment for a Short Term Emergency Network Connection with Midco to Support City Buildings Due to a Network Outage
Community Development Consent Items
34. LF031120-05 – Authorize Submission of the Historic Preservation Commission Certified Local Government Grant Application for 2020-2021 and Receipt of Funds Associated with the Grant
Bid Award Consent Items
35. No. CC031620-02.1 – Approve award of total bid for Waterslide Resurfacing, Project No. PR20-6175 opened on 3/10/20 to the lowest responsible bidder, SplashTacular, LLC in the amount of $89,396.00
NON-CONSENT ITEMS – Items 36 – 42
Open Public Comment – Items 36 – 42 (3-minute time limit per speaker)
Close Public Comment
36. No. 19RZ045 - First Reading, Ordinance 6386, an Ordinance Amending Section 17.06 of Chapter 17 of the Rapid City Municipal Code, a request by Cory Back for SLH Holdings, LLC for a Rezoning request from General Agricultural District to Medium Density Residential District for property generally described as being located northeast of the intersection of Sammis Trail and Healing Way.
Recommendation: Approve
37. No. 20RZ010 - First Reading, Ordinance 6398, an Ordinance Amending Section 17.06 of Chapter 17 of the Rapid City Municipal Code, a request by Dream Design International, Inc for Yasmeen Dream, LLC for a Rezoning request from General Agricultural District to Medium Density Residential District for property generally described as being located east of Elk Vale Road, south of Jaffa Garden Way.
Recommendation: Approve
38. No. 20RZ011 - First Reading, Ordinance 6399, an Ordinance Amending Section 17.06 of Chapter 17 of the Rapid City Municipal Code, a request by Dream Design International, Inc for Yasmeen Dream, LLC for a Rezoning request from General Agricultural District to Medium Density Residential District for property generally described as being located east of Elk Vale Road, south of Jaffa Garden Way.
Recommendation: Approve
39. LF031120-07 – First Reading, Ordinance 6402 Regarding Supplemental Appropriation 2 for 2020.
Recommendation: Approve
Public Works Committee Items (NONE)
Legal & Finance Committee Items
40. LF031120-04 – Approve Request from South Dakota School of Mines & Technology to Waive Banner Fee for M Week for the Calendar Years 2020-2025.
Recommendation: Send to Council without Recommendation
CIP Committee Items (NONE)
Community Development Items
41. No. 20PL010 - A request by FMG Engineering for Black Hills Habitat for Humanity for a Preliminary Subdivision Plan for proposed Lots 1, 2 and 3 of Block 105 of Mahoney Addition, generally described as being located southwest corner of the intersection of Midway Street and Mac Arthur Street.
Recommendation: Approve with stipulations
42. No. 20AN001 – Approve the Request from Forest Products Distributors, Inc. to Consider an Application for a Petition for Annexation for Property Generally Described as Being Located in Section 20, T2N, R8E (5400 Old Folsom Road).
Recommendation: Send to Council without Recommendation
Bid Awards (NONE)
Alcoholic Beverage License Applications (NONE)
Special Event
Mayor’s Items (NONE)
Council Items & Liaison Reports (NONE)
Reconsideration Notices
Motion for Delivery of Items from Committee
Staff Items (NONE)
Appeals (NONE)
Planning Commission Appeals
License Appeals
Sign Code Appeals
Other Appeals Heard by the Council
Open Public Hearing (comment) - Items 43 – 48 (3-minute time limit per speaker)
[Public Hearing Remains Open]
Close Public Hearing (comment) - Items 43 – 48
Remove Items from the “Consent Public Hearing Items” and Vote on Remaining Consent Items
Community Development Items (NONE)
Alcohol Licenses (Items 43-46)
43. Elevate Rapid City – Chamber Division for a SPECIAL EVENT On-Sale malt beverage license and On-Sale Wine license for an event scheduled for April 23, 2020 at RESPEC, 3824 Jet Dr.
44. Special Olympics Dakota for a SPECIAL EVENT On-Sale malt beverage license and On-Sale Wine license for an event scheduled for April 4, 2020 at Black Hills Harley Davidson, 2820 Harley Drive
45. Rodney Hanson DBA Lucky Duck Inc., 6639 Wellington Drive for a Retail (on-off sale) Malt Beverage & SD Farm Wine license with video lottery (Inactive) TRANSFER from Colonial House Inc. DBA Colonial House, 2315 Mount Rushmore Road
46. L & B Wine LLC DBA D’Vine Wine Bar for a Retail (on-off sale) Wine and Cider license and a Retail (on-off sale) Malt Beverage & SD Farm Wine license at 516 7th Street
**Items 43-46 need to be continued to the April 6, 2020 City Council Meeting. The items were not published in time for tonight’s hearing because the Rapid City Journal missed the public hearing publication deadline; the items will be publicly noticed as required prior to the April 6 meeting.**
Assessment Rolls (NONE)
Other Items Requiring Public Hearings (NONE)
47. 20VR002: Original Town of Rapid City – Approve Resolution 2020-009 - A request by Fisk Land Surveying & Consulting Engineers, Inc. for OneHeart to consider an application for a Vacation of Right-of-Way for alley right-of-way adjacent to property generally described as being located at 201 and 217 Kansas City Street and 216, 218 and 230 Quincy Street.
Recommendation: Approve
48. 20VR003: Skyline Subdivision No. 2 – Approve Resolution 2020-010 - A request by Fisk Land Surveying & Consulting Engineers, Inc. for Calvary Baptist Church to consider an application for a Vacation of Section Line-Highway for Section Line right-of-way on property generally described as being located at 4601 Mount Rushmore Road.
Recommendation: Approve
49. No. CC031620-01 – Bill List for March 16, 2020