pdf PDF Version of the 6/18/18 Agenda (182 KB)
City of Rapid City, South Dakota
6:30 P.M., Monday, June 18, 2018
INVOCATION (You are welcome to participate, but not required)
1. 2018 Norm E. Nelson Historic Preservation Awards – Sarah Hanzel
2. Priority Based Budgeting Presentation – Sean Kurbanov, Budget Analyst
GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT (3-minute time limit per speaker)
A time for the members of the public to discuss or express concerns to the Council on any issue not on the agenda. Action will not be taken at the meeting on any issue not on the agenda, except by placement on the agenda by unanimous vote of the Council members present.
Open Public Comment – Items 3 – 35 (3-minute time limit per speaker)
Close Public Comment
CONSENT ITEMS – Items 3 – 35
Remove Items from the “Consent Items” and Vote on Remaining Consent Items
Approve Minutes
3. Approve Minutes for the
June 4, 2018
(159 KB)
Regular Council meeting.
4. Approve Minutes for the
June 12, 2018
(68 KB)
Special Council meeting.
Vacations of Right-Of-Way Set for Hearing (NONE)
Alcoholic Beverage License Applications Set for Hearing (July 2, 2018)
5. Sutton for South Dakota for a SPECIAL EVENT On-Sale Dealer License for an Event scheduled for July 12, 2018 at Prairie Edge, Inc. at 606 Main Street
6. Rapid City Chamber of Commerce for a SPECIAL EVENT Malt Beverage Retailer and On-Sale Wine Retailer Licenses for an Event scheduled for July 10, 2018 at Rapid City Medical Center, 2820 Mt. Rushmore Road
7. Rapid City Chamber of Commerce for a SPECIAL EVENT Malt Beverage Retailer and On-Sale Wine Retailer Licenses for an Event scheduled for August 14, 2018 at Strider Sports International, 2221 N. Plaza Drive
8. Rapid City Chamber of Commerce for a SPECIAL EVENT Malt Beverage Retailer and On-Sale Wine Retailer Licenses for an Event scheduled for September 11, 2018 at Golden West Technologies, 1935 Fountain Plaza Drive
9. WV LLC DBA Zymurcracy Beer Company, 4624 Creek Drive, Suite 6 for a Retail (on-off sale) Malt Beverage License and a Retail (on-off sale) Wine License
10. BW Gas and Convenience Retail, LLC DBA Yesway Store #1190, 3888 E Highway 44 for a Package (off-sale) Liquor License TRANSFER from Fresh Start Convenience Stores Inc. DBA Fresh Start – Rapid Valley, 3888 E Highway 44
11. BW Gas and Convenience Retail, LLC DBA Yesway Store #1190, 3888 E Highway 44 for a Retail (on-off sale) Malt Beverage License TRANSFER from Fresh Start Convenience Stores Inc. DBA Fresh Start – Rapid Valley, 3888 E Highway 44
12. BW Gas and Convenience Retail, LLC DBA Yesway Store #1189, 3275 Cambell Street for a Package (off-sale) Liquor License TRANSFER from Fresh Start Convenience Stores Inc. DBA Fresh Start Convenience Stores, Inc., 3275 Cambell Street
13. BW Gas and Convenience Retail, LLC DBA Yesway Store #1189, 3275 Cambell Street for a Retail (on-off sale) Malt Beverage License TRANSFER from Fresh Start Convenience Stores Inc., DBA Fresh Start Convenience Stores, Inc., 3275 Cambell Street
14. BW Gas and Convenience Retail, LLC DBA Yesway Store #1188, 2215 Haines Avenue for a Package (off-sale) Liquor License TRANSFER from Fresh Start Convenience Stores Inc., DBA Fresh Start #31, 2215 Haines Avenue
15. BW Gas and Convenience Retail, LLC DBA Yesay Store #1188, 2215 Haines Avenue for a Retail (on-off sale) Malt Beverage License TRANSFER from Fresh Start Convenience Stores, Inc. DBA Fresh Start #31, 2215 Haines Ave
16. BW Gas and Convenience Retail, LLC DBA Yesway Store #1187, 4030 Cheyenne Blvd for a Retail (on-off sale) Malt Beverage License TRANSFER from Fresh Start Convenience Stores Inc. DBA Don’s Valley Express #1, 4030 Cheyenne Blvd
17. BW Gas and Convenience Retail, LLC DBA Yesway Store #1186, 3343 N. Haines Avenue for a Package (off-sale) Liquor License TRANSFER from Fresh Start Convenience Stores Inc. DBA Don’s Valley Market, 3343 Haines Avenue
17A. Timmons Market LLC DBA Timmons Market LLC, 747 Timmons Blvd for a Package (off-sale) Liquor License TRANSFER from Fresh Start Convenience Stores Inc. DBA Don’s Valley Market, 747 Timmons Blvd
Public Works Committee Consent Items
18. PW061218-01 – Approve Change Order 1 to Quinn Construction for West Memorial Park Improvements, Project No. 2246 / CIP No. 51083 for an increase of $10,694.00.
19. PW061218-02 – Approve Change Order 1F to Action Mechanical, Inc. for Red Rock Booster Pump Station Improvements, Project No. 14-2177 / CIP No. 50812.B for a decrease of $29,160.00.
20. PW061218-03 – Approve Change Order 1F to Tessier’s, Inc. for Well 12/Stoney Creek HVAC Improvements, Project No. 17-2403 / CIP No. 51181 for an increase of $2,748.00.
21. PW061218-05 – Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to Sign an Agreement Between the City of Rapid City and Bighorn Canyon Ministries, Inc., for Construction of Public Water Main west of Anderson Road.
22. PW061218-06 – Approve a Request from Renner Associates, LLC on Behalf of Aaron & Alicia Christensen for a Variance to Waive the Requirement to Install Sidewalk per City Ordinance 12.08.060 on Berglund Road adjacent to 5508 Berglund Road.
23. PW061218-07 – Approve a Request from Renner Associates, LLC on Behalf of Nicholas & Kendra Webster for a Variance to Waive the Requirement to Install Sidewalk per City Ordinance 12.08.060 on Berglund Road adjacent to 5412 Berglund Road.
24. PW061218-08 – Authorize Staff to Purchase One (1) 2018 Dodge Ram 2500 4x4 Pickup for the Water Production Department from Liberty Superstore. They will honor the state bid contract #17149 for amount of $26,435.00.
25. PW061218-04 – Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to Sign a Covenant Agreement Between the City of Rapid City and Black Hills Federal Credit Union to Permit a Structure to Encroach into the Adjacent Plaza Drive Right of Way.
Legal & Finance Committee Consent Items
26. LF061318-06 – Approve the Appointment of Helen Usera to the Rapid City Regional Airport Board of Directors
27. LF061318-02 – Authorize Police Department to Purchase Twenty-two (22) Motorola Portable Radios for the Total Amount of $87,997.50
28. Acknowledge the Following Volunteers for Worker’s Compensation Purposes: Danielle High Bear (Parks and Recreation), Rachael Schilder (Parks and Recreation), Jill Webb (Parks and Recreation), Lynn Seime (Parks and Recreation), Jen Robinson (Parks and Recreation), Lynne Enochson (Parks and Recreation), Tricia Schiferl (Parks and Recreation), Bruce Conger (Parks and Recreation), Tina Rearick (Parks and Recrecation), Kelli Sorenson (Parks and Recreation), Tessa Retzlaff (Parks and Recreation), Ashley Vincent (Parks and Recreation), Nikky Brink (Parks and Recreation), Jackie Sales (Parks and Recreation), Eric Hall (Parks and Recreation), Jilly Kelly (Parks and Recreation), Aspen Rearick (Parks and Recreation), Maya Rearick (Parks and Recreation), Brendon Sato (Parks and Recreation), Avery Webb (Parks and Recreation), Grace Belcher (Library), Barb Hopkins (RSVP+), Adrienne Kish (RSVP+), Kay Rypinski (RSVP+)
29. LF061318-01 – Approve Resolution No. 2018-045 a Resolution Amending Certain Fees to be Charged in 2018 for Various Licenses, Permits and Applications
30. LF061318-03 – Approve Resolution No. 2018-044A a Resolution Fixing Time and Place for Hearing on Assessment Roll for a Business Improvement District 2018
31. LF061318-04 – Approve Resolution No. 2018-047 a Resolution Declaring Miscellaneous Personal Property Surplus
CIP Committee Consent Items (NONE)
Community Planning & Development Services Department Consent Items
32. No. 18CA001 – Approve A request by KTM Design Solutions, Inc for Mollers Limited Partnership for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to Amend the Future Land Use Plan from Mixed Use Commercial to Urban Neighborhood for property generally described as being located northwest of the intersection of Lacrosse Street and E. Omaha Street.
Bid Award Consent Items
33. CC061818-02.1 – Approve award of total bid for ADA Compliance Project 5th Street and New York Street, Project No. 15-2311 / CIP No. 50761 opened on June 12, 2018 to the lowest responsible bidder, Tru-Form Construction, Inc. in the amount of $102,223.50.
34. CC061818-02.2 – Approve award of total bid for San Marco Boulevard Rehabilitation., Project No. 17-2412 / CIP No. 50429 opened on June 12, 2018 to the lowest responsible bidder, Simon Contractors of SD, Inc. in the amount of $296,354.75.
35. CC061818-02.3 – Approve award of total bid for Valve Repair St Joe, East Blvd to 3rd Street, Project No. 18-2437 / CIP No. 50705 opened on June 12, 2018 to the lowest responsible bidder, Tru-Form Construction, Inc. in the amount of $207,352.00.
NON-CONSENT ITEMS – Items 36 – 41
Open Public Comment – Items 36 – 41 (3-minute time limit per speaker)
Close Public Comment
36. LF053018-04 – Second Reading of Ordinance No. 6261 an Ordinance to Amend Rapid City Municipal Code Section 12.24.050 to Allow E-Bikes on City Bicycle and Pedestrian Trail Systems.
Recommendation: Approve
37. No. 18RZ015 - First Reading, Ordinance 6258, an Ordinance Amending Section 17.06 of Chapter 17 of the Rapid City Municipal Code, a request by KTM Design Solutions, Inc for Mollers Limited Partnership for a Rezoning request from General Commercial District to Medium Density Residential District for property generally described as being located northwest of the intersection of Lacrosse Street and E. Omaha Street.
Recommendation: Approve in Conjunction with 18CA001
38. No. 18RZ016 - First Reading, Ordinance 6259, an Ordinance Amending Section 17.06 of Chapter 17 of the Rapid City Municipal Code, a request by KTM Design Solutions Inc for Franklin Simpson for a Rezoning Request from General Agricultural District to Light Industrial District for property generally described as being located southeast of the intersection of North Plaza Drive and Rand Road.
Recommendation: Approve
Public Works Committee Items
39. 18TP022 – Approve the Rapid City Railroad Quiet Zone Draft Report.
Recommendation: Approve 4-1, with Roberts opposed.
Legal & Finance Committee Items (NONE)
CIP Committee Items (NONE)
Community Planning & Development Services Department Items
40. No. 18PL033 - A request by Sperlich Consulting, Inc for Walgar Development Corp for a Preliminary Subdivision Plan for proposed Lots 1 thru 6 of Block 10, Lots 4 thru 10 of Block 19 and Lots 1 thru 7 of Block 20 of Robbinsdale Addition No. 10, generally described as being located east of the intersection of Hanover Drive and Parkview Drive.
Recommendation: Approve with Stipulations
41. No. 18PL037 - A request by KTM Design Solutions Inc for Franklin Simpson for a Preliminary Subdivision Plan for proposed Tract EE of Fountain Spring Business Park, generally described as being located southeast of the intersection of North Plaza Drive and Rand Road.
Recommendation: Approve with Stipulations
Other Board, Commission & Committee Items (NONE)
Bid Awards (NONE)
Alcoholic Beverage License Applications (NONE)
Special Event
Mayor’s Items (NONE)
Council Items & Liaison Reports (NONE)
Reconsideration Notices
Motion for Delivery of Items from Committee
Staff Items (NONE)
Appeals (NONE)
Planning Commission Appeals
License Appeals
Sign Code Appeals
Other Appeals Heard by the Council
Open Public Hearing (comment) - Items 42 –43 (3-minute time limit per speaker)
[Public Hearing Remains Open]
Close Public Hearing (comment) - Items 42 – 43
Remove Items from the “Consent Public Hearing Items” and Vote on Remaining Consent Items
Community Planning & Development Services Department Items (NONE)
Alcohol Licenses
42. American Legion Post 22 DBA Post 22 Baseball Field Parking Lot for a SPECIAL EVENT On-Sale Malt Beverage License for an event scheduled for June 28 – July 4, 2018 at 2900 Jackson Blvd (Tract 8 Rapid City Greenway Tract)
Assessment Rolls
43. LF061318-05 – Approve Resolution No. 2018-048 a Resolution Levying Assessments for Abatement of Nuisances
Other Items Requiring Public Hearings (NONE)
44. No. CC061818-01 – Bill List for June 18, 2018