Agenda Item Title:
21TP018 - Authorize the Mayor and Finance Director to sign the Professional Services Agreement with Felsburg Holt & Ullevig for the Cambell Street Structure Replacement Multi-Modal Routing Study in an amount not to exceed $99,152.73.
Origination Group:
Metropolitan Planning Organization
Stage 2 Meeting Date:
City Council Hearing Date:
Rapid City Area Metropolitan Planning Organization
Staff Contact:
Kip Harrington
Agenda Item Summary:
The Cambell Street Structure is tentatively scheduled to be replaced in 2027 (SDDOT Project PCN 078X). The existing structure is located on Cambell Street, approximately 1.2 miles south of the intersection of Cambell Street and South Dakota Highway 44 (SD44), also known as East Omaha Street, and crosses over East Saint Joseph Street and the Rapid City, Pierre, and Eastern railroad line (RCP&E). The existing overpass structure is under the jurisdiction of SDDOT, while the adjacent street network is under the jurisdiction of the City. Cambell Street is classified as a Principal Arterial Street on the City’s Major Street Plan and is configured as a 5-lane cross section both north and south of the structure, transitioning to a 4-lane cross section as it approaches and crosses over the structure. Ramps provide access between Cambell Street and East Saint Joseph Street on the southern end of the structure. There are currently no bicycle and/or pedestrian improvements on Cambell Street between East Saint Patrick Street and East Fairmont Boulevard. Prior to the replacement and complete reconstruction of the structure, SDDOT desires to enable a multi-modal transportation network that accommodates all modes of travel through the study area as deemed safe, feasible, and reasonable.
Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):
Funding | Cost Center |