Agenda Item Title:
20TP012– Authorize the Mayor and Finance Officer to sign Amendment #1 for the Transportation Alternatives Program Grant Agreement #715373
Origination Group:
Metropolitan Planning Organization
Stage 2 Group Name:
Legal & Finance Committee
Stage 2 Meeting Date:
City Council Hearing Date:
Rapid City Area Metropolitan Planning Organization
Staff Contact:
Patsy Horton
Agenda Item Summary:
In 2014, the City and SDDOT entered into a Transportation Alternatives Program Grant Agreement to fund a shared use path that would provide Western Dakota Tech students and others a non-motorized transportation alternative. The shared use path would extend from the existing sidewalk near Rapid Creek at Cambell Street north then east in order to utilize the railbanked railroad right-of-way.Since that time, staff was unable to negotiate an easement necessary to construct that portion of the path from the railroad right-of-way north to Mickelson Drive. Staff then revised the proposal, and the State agreed as a cost saving measure, to instead extend the shared use path adjacent to Cambell Street near Rocker Dr north to the intersection at Omaha Street/SD Highway 44. The City’s revised project coincides with the SDDOT project to construct a 10’ shared use path on the north side of Omaha Street between Covington Street to LaCrosse Street. Construction for both City and SDDOT projects are scheduled for 2021. Based on the engineer’s estimate, the project is estimated to cost $377,075.31 for construction and engineering. The State agrees to provide up to $252,640.46 in TAP funds, with the City’s match at $124,434.85. Any construction cost over the engineers cost estimate will then be split between the City and the State with the City paying 33% of any additional expenditures. The matching funds for this project are identified within the Parks and Recreation CIP funds under Mako Sica Trail and connection to Western Dakota Tech.
Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):
Funding | Cost Center |
$124,434.85 | Parks and Rec CIP |
$252,640.46 | SDDOT Tap Grant Funds |
Origination Recommendation Action: