Agenda Item Title:
20TP006 – Rapid City Year End 2019 Population Estimate
Origination Group:
Metropolitan Planning Organization
Stage 2 Group Name:
Planning Commission
Stage 2 Meeting Date:
City Council Hearing Date:
Rapid City Area Metropolitan Planning Organization
Staff Contact:
Kelly Brennan
Agenda Item Summary:
Every year the Long Range Planning Division prepares a population estimate for Rapid City using a methodology approved by the United States Census Bureau. These estimates are based on approved building permits, housing demolitions, the Census 2010 occupancy rate and the Census 2010 persons per household rate for Rapid City and Pennington County. The 2019 year end Rapid City population estimate is 77,185, up .85% from the 2018 population estimate of 76,532. This increase includes the annexation of Prairie Acres South Mobile Home Park effective on 11/12/2018. A graph is attached showing trends in population growth from 2010 until 2019.
Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):
Funding | Cost Center |