Agenda Item Title:
Request from Advanced Design Engineering & Surveying, Inc. to waive the requirement to install sidewalk along Countryside Boulevard, Unnamed Street, Access Easement and Section Line Right-of-Way, Rapid City, per City Ordinance 16.16.050(A).
Origination Group:
Public Works Committee
Origination Meeting Date:
City Council Hearing Date:
Staff Contact:
Dan Kools
Countyside Blvd, proposed Falcon Crest II subdivsion
Agenda Item Summary:
A request was received in the Engineering Office on April 18, 2024 requesting the requirement to install sidewalk along Countryside Boulevard, Unnamed Street, Access Easement and Section Line Right-of-Way per City of Rapid City Municipal Code (RCMC) 16.16.050(A) be waived.
RCMC 16.16.050(A) requires installation of sidewalks at the time of platting for subdivisions outside City limits but within the City’s 3-mile platting jurisdiction. A five-foot wide sidewalk is required to be constructed along Countryside Boulevard and Section Line Right-of-Way and four-foot wide sidewalk along the Unnamed Street and Access Easement.
The requested variance will allow for the platting of 11 lots without the installation of sidewalk. Public Works recommends approval of the Access Easement and Section Line Right-of-Way. Typically, staff supports approval of sidewalk variances in areas where there are no sidewalks. However, due to complaints that Pennington County has received about lack of sidewalks in the area and pedestrians walking the roads, Public Works cannot make a recommendation for the two proposed new streets, Countryside Boulevard and Unnamed Street. It should be noted that Public Works approved Exceptions to waive improvements to the Section Line Right-of-Way and Access Easement on 5/8/24 (24EX032, 24EX034).
Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):
Funding | Cost Center |