Agenda Item Title:
Appeal Denial of Exception 24EX023 From Paul Bradsky On Behalf of SKY Properties LLC, To Not Improve A Roadway Per Figure 2-1 Of The IDCM.
Origination Group:
Public Works Committee
Origination Meeting Date:
City Council Hearing Date:
Staff Contact:
Todd Peckosh
Agenda Item Summary:
Applicant is proposing to create 4 lots on the property east of Zion Lutheran Church. As part of the proposed Preliminary Subdivision Plan application, the development is proposing to construct a City street (Zion Place) on the subject property. The only access to the Development is across an existing gravel driveway located in a section line. The development plans were previously approved with Zion Place being a private road where the City would not be responsible for maintenance. With the private nature of the initial proposal, staff approved plans to widen the driveway in the section line to 20’ and pave with asphalt. The developer has since submitted a revised application for the proposed street to be dedicated to the City and therefore requiring the City to maintain it. The section line providing access to the development is currently not maintained by the City and even after the widening and paving will have numerous deficiencies such as lack of curb/gutter, lack of culverts or storm sewer, side slopes that are too steep, no shoulders, etc.
It should be noted that the section line has generally been constructed to City standards as an urban street section for the first 300 feet from Mount Rushmore Road until it passes the entrance into Zion Lutheran Church.
Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):
Funding | Cost Center |
Origination Recommendation Action: