Agenda Item Title:
Authorize Staff to Advertise for Bids for Wonderland Drive Area Street and Utilities Reconstruction Phase 1, Project No. 2609, CIP No. 51070.1. Estimated cost $4,005,000.00.
Origination Group:
Public Works Committee
Origination Meeting Date:
Staff Contact:
Sara Odden
Wonderland Drive
Agenda Item Summary:
This project includes the full street reconstruction of Wonderland Drive from Pine View Drive to Cliff Drive. A sidewalk will be installed along the west side of Wonderland Drive to facilitate pedestrian traffic. Sanitary sewer mains will be installed, extending the City’s service area into the project limits. This project is located in a source water protection area as identified in the 2009 report completed by Stanley Consultants. Water mains will be installed within the project through a connection to the Southwest zone in Park Drive, extending the City’s water service area into the project limits. Drainage improvements will be made as necessary, including the creation of a pond as described in the Drainage Basin Development Plan.
Three additional bid alternates will also be included for consideration with this base project.:
1.) Wonderland Drive from Cliff Drive to Wonderland Court: Improvements include water main extension, street reconstruction, sidewalk installation and drainage improvements.
2.) Ponderosa Court: Improvements include sanitary sewer main installation, water main installation, street reconstruction and drainage improvements.
3.) Riva Ridge Road: Improvements include water main installation, street reconstruction and drainage improvements.
Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):
Funding | Cost Center |
Wastewater | Expansion |
Water | Expansion |
CIP | Streets |
CIP | Drainage |
Is Funding Budgeted?:
Origination Recommendation Action: