Posted: March 08, 2024
Rapid City
Agenda Item Summary

Agenda Item Ref. #: PW031224-11

Agenda Item Title:

Authorize Staff to Purchase Sixteen (16) New Roll-Off Containers from Wastequip Using SourceWell Cooperative Purchasing Contact #040621-WQI, In the Amount of $119,376.00 for the Solid Waste Division.

Origination Group:
Public Works Committee
Origination Meeting Date:
City Council Hearing Date:
Staff Contact:
Mandy Hanson
Agenda Item Summary:
Request to authorize staff to purchase sixteen (16) new 20 cubic yard 22-foot-long roll-off containers utilizing the Sourcewell Cooperative purchasing contract #040621-WQI with Wastequip. The purchase will replace current yard waste and recycling containers that have exceeded their useful life.

Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):

Funding Cost Center
Solid Waste Colelctions
Is Funding Budgeted?:


Attachments & Links to Download:

PW031224-11 Authority 

PW031224-11 Agreement 

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