Agenda Item Title:
Request from KTM for Charles and Loretta Hammerquist and South Six Properties, LLC for a variance to waive the requirement to install sidewalk along 501 & 583 Valley Drive, Rapid City, per City Ordinance 16.16.050.
Origination Group:
Public Works Committee
Origination Meeting Date:
City Council Hearing Date:
KTM for Charles and Loretta Hammerquist and South Six Properties, LLC.
Staff Contact:
Shane Hammill
501 & 583 Valley Drive
Agenda Item Summary:
A request was received in the Engineering Office on August 23, 2023 requesting the requirement to install sidewalk along 501 & 583 Valley Drive per City of Rapid City Ordinance 16.16.050 be waived. A sidewalk is required to be constructed along Valley Drive at the time of platting. The property owners are adjusting lot lines through the Preliminary and Final Plat process to correct building and drain field encroachments. Since there are no building permits anticipated on the properties, ordinance requires the installation of sidewalk. The requested variance will allow for the properties to be platted without the installation of sidewalk in the adjacent Valley Drive right-of-way. Valley Drive is a gravel, rural street section with no sidewalks present.
Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):
Funding | Cost Center |
Origination Recommendation Action: