Agenda Item Title:
Authorize Staff to Advertise Bids for Wildwood Drive Reconstruction Phase 2, Project No. 19-2506 / CIP No. 51003. Estimated Cost $4,850,000.00.
Origination Group:
Public Works Committee
Origination Meeting Date:
City Council Hearing Date:
Staff Contact:
Sara Odden
Wildwood Drive
Agenda Item Summary:
This project includes the full street and utility reconstruction of portions of Wildwood Drive, Alpine Court, Greenleaf Court and Vanishing Trail Court. Streets will be reconstructed as rural road sections, fitting with the current neighborhood desires. Asphalt pavement sections will be replaced and widened to meet current City criteria and gravel shoulders will be installed. Drainage will be conveyed via road side ditches and culverts where access points exist. Existing water mains will be re-built with PVC pipes (16-inch and 8” diameter depending upon location), bringing the water into conformance with current City criteria. Sanitary sewer mains will be installed, extending the City’s service area into the project limits. This project is located in a source water protection area, as identified in the 2009 report completed by Stanley Consultants.
Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):
Funding | Cost Center |
Wastewater | Expansion |
Water | Replacement |
Water | Expansion |
CIP | Streets |
CIP | Drainage |
Is Funding Budgeted?: