Agenda Item Title:
Authorize Staff to Purchase a 2022 RAM 3500 Reg Cab, 4X4, 6.4L V8 Truck from Liberty Superstores with matching 2021 State Bid Pricing in the Amount of $29,991.90.
Origination Group:
Public Works Committee
Origination Meeting Date:
City Council Hearing Date:
Staff Contact:
Scott Anderson
Agenda Item Summary:
The truck order for the original Purchasing Authority approved on 2/1/21 for a 2021 RAM was cancelled due to limited inventory. This purchase is for a 2022 RAM and is price protected with the 2021 contract price.
Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):
Funding | Cost Center |
01010860 | 436000 |
Is Funding Budgeted?: