Agenda Item Title:
Request Authorization to Seek Proposals for Professional Services for Robbinsdale Phase 5 Design, Project No. 21-2680 / CIP No. 51280.
Origination Group:
Public Works Committee
Origination Meeting Date:
City Council Hearing Date:
Staff Contact:
Doug Noyes
E Tallent St & Ivy Ave
Agenda Item Summary:
The selected design consultant will provide design and bid packages for two separate bid projects.
1. Robbinsdale Phase 5A – E. Tallent St. Reconstruction
Full reconstruction of the street (pavement, sidewalk, curb and gutter), sanitary sewer, water main, and storm sewer. Project to include the following streets; E. Tallent St. from Elm Ave. to Ivy Ave., E Indiana St. from Elm Ave. to Willow Ave. and Willow Ave. from E. Indiana St. to E. Tallent St.
2. Robbinsdale Phase 5B – Ivy Ave Reconstruction
Full reconstruction of the street (pavement, sidewalk, curb and gutter), sanitary sewer, water main, and storm sewer. Project to include the following streets; Ivy Ave. from E. Tallent St. to E. Oakland St. and E. Tallent/E Iowa St from Ivy Ave. to Hawthorne Ave., and E Indiana St. from Willow Ave. to Hawthorne Ave.
Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):
Funding | Cost Center |
604 | 0833 |
602 | 0933 |
505 | 8910 |
05 | 8911 |
Is Funding Budgeted?: