Agenda Item Title:
Delegate Authority to the Public Works Director for Execution of Standard Agreement for Utility Relocation Without Regard to Aggregate Limitation of Section 3.04.090.
Origination Group:
Public Works Committee
Origination Meeting Date:
City Council Hearing Date:
Staff Contact:
Wade Nyberg
Agenda Item Summary:
The Public Works Department occasionally pays local utilities (such as MDU or Black Hills Energy) to install infrastructure or move their lines or structures in conjunction with a City project. Not all City projects require such a payment, but in a given year, there may be several projects that include City responsibility for payment to another utility. When that is a component, the project manager works with the utility to identify what the costs will be. The delegation of contracting authority requested will allow the Public Works Director to sign multiple agreements with a utility, within project budgets, without regard for the maximum aggregated amount for a single vendor as limited in Section 3.04.090 of the Rapid City Municipal Code. Any agreement $50,000 or larger would still come to the Council for approval. Smaller agreements would not need to be brought to Council regardless of the total yearly aggregate.
Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):
Funding | Cost Center |
Funding Source & Fiscal Impact Notes:
No fiscal impact expected. Funding is a component of the overall project budget.
Origination Recommendation Action: