Agenda Item Title:
Authorize Mayor and Finance Office to sign permanent and temporary easement agreements with the SDDOT for the installation of ADA ramps under the SDDOT projects NH-PS 0044(00)44, PCN No. 04Tg and NH 0016(00)68 PCN No. 05JH. City Project No. 18-2451 / CIP No. 51193.
Origination Group:
Public Works Committee
Origination Meeting Date:
City Council Hearing Date:
Sara Odden
Omaha Street from 11th St to Brennan Ave, and Mt. Rushmore Rd from Omaha to Kansas City St.
Agenda Item Summary:
Per the “State of South Dakota Joint Powers Maintenance and Encroachment Agreement between Department of Transportation and City of Rapid City” signed by the Mayor and Finance officer on 7/3/2018 (authorized by Council its regularly scheduled meeting on 7/2/2018) ‘the City will grant temporary and permanent easements required’ for the installation of ADA curb ramps along the project corridors.
Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):
Funding | Cost Center |
CIP | Streets |
Is Funding Budgeted?:
Origination Recommendation Action: