Agenda Item Title:
Approve Request from Ross Brown for a Variance to Defer the Requirement to Install Sidewalk per City Ordinance 12.08.060 along the westerly portion of Camden Drive for the property located at 1700 Camden Drive.
Origination Group:
Public Works Committee
Origination Meeting Date:
City Council Hearing Date:
Ross Brown
Staff Contact:
Dan Kools - Project Engineer
1700 Camden Drive. Lot 1B, Anamosa Crossing Subdivision, Section 32, T2N, R8E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, SD.
Agenda Item Summary:
A request was received in the Engineering Office on May 4, 2018 requesting the requirement to install sidewalk along Camden Drive per City of Rapid City Ordinance 12.08.060 be waived. A five-foot wide sidewalk is required to be constructed along Camden Drive at the time of building permit, with the property having approximately 640 feet of frontage along Camden Drive. The requested variance will allow for construction of a new service and retail store on the property without the installation of sidewalk in the adjacent Camden Drive right-of-way for a portion of the frontage. Adjacent Camden Drive is a commercial street with curb and gutter. Camden Drive is currently void of sidewalk, except where the street is located in the East North Street right-of-way. The property owner is currently developing the two easterly acres of the four acre parcel. The remaining property will be developed at a later date or possibly re-platted and sold. The owner is proposing to install sidewalk on the portion that is being developed (approximately 400 feet of the 640 foot total frontage). They are also installing approximately 185 feet of sidewalk along the East North Street frontage.
There is one option for sidewalk; install five-foot wide sidewalk one foot inside the right-of-way.
It seems reasonable to allow a variance to defer the sidewalk requirement for the westerly portion of the property until it is developed. Public Works recommends approval of the sidewalk variance request. The Rapid City Council has the authority to order in sidewalk at any time, should sidewalk in this area become necessary.
Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):
Funding | Cost Center |
Origination Recommendation Action:
Origination Recommendation Notes:
Approve to defer the sidewalk requirement for the westerly portion of the property until it is developed.
City Council Options:
1. Approve
2. Deny