Agenda Item Title:
Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to Sign an Agreement Between the City of Rapid City and Gerhardt and Elizabeth Heck for Exchange of Property.
Origination Group:
Public Works Committee
Origination Meeting Date:
City Council Hearing Date:
Staff Contact:
Wade Nyberg & Stacey Titus
Agenda Item Summary:
The Hecks own property directly adjacent to City property located at Radar Hill Road and Morris Lane. Public Works staff was preparing to undertake a project to fence city-owned property. In preparation for the project, it became apparent that the natural property boundaries and the platted property boundaries did not align. It appears that the Hecks have been using a portion of the City property, and the City’s haying contractor has utilized a portion of the Heck property. Staff viewed this as an opportunity for both parties to adjust the boundary between the properties to align with their current use. The planned exchange will be an acre-for-acre exchange, without any monetary consideration changing hands. The portions of property to be exchanged are shown on Exhibit A, linked below. (Exhibit B shows an easement for a City water main that the Hecks agreed to grant separately, outside the exchange of property.) The exchange will be accomplished by a lot line adjustment plat and accompanying deeds, which the City would agree to complete at its expense. A public hearing has been noticed for the February 20, 2018, Council Meeting, which is a necessary part of a property exchange between the City and a private property owner.
Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):
Funding | Cost Center |
Water 902 | 933/4310 |
Origination Recommendation Action: