Posted: December 07, 2017
Rapid City
Agenda Item Summary

Agenda Item Ref. #: PW121217-19

Agenda Item Title:

Appeal of Denied Exception Request from Sperlich Consulting on Behalf of Freeland Meadows, LLC to not construct Country Road with a minimum 36’ wide paved surface, curb, gutter, street light conduit, sewer, sidewalk at intersections and grading for sidewalk along developable parcels (City Files 17EX211).

Origination Group:
Public Works Committee
Origination Meeting Date:
City Council Hearing Date:
Sperlich Consulting on Behalf of Freeland Meadows, LLC
Staff Contact:
Nicole Lecy, Project Engineer
Proposed Prairie Meadows South Subdivision, Located along the south side of Country Road just east of Marino Drive, Located in Section 19, T2N, R8E, BHM, Rapid City, South Dakota.
Agenda Item Summary:
The petitioner applied for an exception request to waive the requirements to provide a minimum 36’ wide paved surface, curb, gutter, street light conduit, sewer, sidewalk at intersections and grading for sidewalk along developable parcels in Country Road, which would to allow for a residential development to occur adjacent to Country Road without improvements to the road. Staff denied the exception request based on the following. Subdivision improvements including pavement, curb, gutter, sidewalk, street light conduit, water main and sewer main are triggered during the platting process for all adjacent roadways. The proposed Prairie Meadows South Subdivision Phase 1 plat has frontage to Country Road for approximately 1125’ and Country Road exists today with a 20’ wide rural pavement section, ditches for drainage, and a 12” water main in the north boulevard. Country Road is identified as an arterial street on the City’s major street plan requiring a minimum 36’ wide pavement with curb, gutter, sidewalk and street light conduit. Country Road needs to be constructed to arterial street standards to accommodate the proposed plat that includes 25 single family residential lots with Phase 1 and ultimately a total of 105 single family and multi-family residential lots within the subdivision. The existing street is not constructed to safely handle traffic in the area and the development creates additional usage on the adjacent roadways. Street improvements need to be extended in Country Road to achieve the goals of the City’s comprehensive street plans to provide public infrastructure for future growth and surrounding development and should be installed at the time of plat, as required by Ordinance. Grading for the construction of Country Road will impact the adjacent lots, thus there is a significant benefit to the road being improved before the lots are developed. Sewer in Country Road is needed to serve property to the west and southwest of the proposed development, unless an alternative alignment is identified. Staff does not believe we have any other choice but to deny this request with the exclusion of the second water main for the following reasons: 1) waiving this this request will pass a large financial responsibility on to all tax payers to reconstruct this street at some point to support the surrounding development; and 2) Staff has not been in support of recent similar exceptions to existing arterial/collector streets not constructed to current standards. Refer to attached denial letter for additional Staff Comments on this request. The petitioner is appealing the Staff denial to the City Council. Please note that Staff did approve of an exception for this project to not construct a dual water main in adjacent Country Road (City File 17EX211).

Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):

Funding Cost Center


Origination Recommendation Action:
Origination Recommendation Notes:
Staff recommends upholding the denial of the exception request.
City Council Options:
Uphold the denial, approve or amend the denial in whole or in part.

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