Agenda Item Title:
Exception Request to allow 52 Dwelling Units with one point of access from Prestwick Road for proposed Phase 1 of Red Rock Estates and to allow 56 Dwelling Units with one point of access from Prestwick Road for proposed Phase 2 of Red Rock Estates, allowing the owner to plat 7 more single family residential lots in proposed Phase 1 and 4 more single family residential lots in proposed Phase 2 (City File 17EX200).
Origination Group:
Public Works Committee
Origination Meeting Date:
City Council Hearing Date:
KTM Design Solutions on behalf of Cassandra Ward and Selador Ranches, Inc.
Staff Contact:
Nicole Lecy, Project Engineer
Lot 6 of Blk 9 of Red Rock Estates Subdivision, Prestwick Road, Located in Section 29, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, South Dakota.
Agenda Item Summary:
The petitioner applied for an exception request to allow 52 dwelling units with one point of access from Prestwick Road, allowing the owner to plat 7 more single family residential lots for proposed Phase 1 of Red Rock Estates and to allow 56 dwelling units with one point of access from Prestwick Road, allowing the owner to plat 4 more single family residential lots for proposed Phase 2 of Red Rock Estates. This exception can only be granted by City Council. The request for exception is to Section 2.6 of the Infrastructure Design Criteria Manual which states “A street with a single access shall not be used for more than 40 dwelling units. A second access shall be provided when more than 40 dwelling units are accessed from a street. A second access means shall be a natural extension of the street system. The second access shall be configured such that emergency responders and the public have a second route to the property or exit from the property if one route is blocked. The number of dwelling units shall be determined as being the combination of all development(s) gaining access from the street. This requirement shall apply to all developments, including phased projects. No additional development shall be allowed on any street currently exceeding 40 dwelling units, unless a second street access is provided or the Rapid City Council has approved an exception.” No second access is anticipated in the foreseeable future, however the City’s major street plan does identify a collector street connection to the west ultimately connecting to Sheridan Lake Road, requiring approximately 1.3 miles of additional street improvements. The City anticipates additional access to be provided in the future through the property to the west, however the timeline for those connections to be in place is unknown at this time.
Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):
Funding | Cost Center |
Origination Recommendation Action:
Approve with Stipulations
Origination Recommendation Notes:
If City Council determines this request to be appropriate, Staff recommends to approve the request with the stipulation that the property owner enter into a Covenant Agreement with the City requiring fire suppression for dwelling units on all proposed lots, as a tradeoff to providing a second point at access at this time.
City Council Recommendation Notes:
Approve, deny, or amend the approval in whole or in part.