Agenda Item Title:
Approve Request from Hewey Clemmons for a Variance to Waive the Requirements to Install Sidewalk per City Ordinance 16.16.050 along Reservoir Road, Green Valley Drive and Greenfield Drive adjacent to proposed Lots C, D, E, F and G; Clemmons Subdivision.
Origination Group:
Public Works Committee
Origination Meeting Date:
City Council Hearing Date:
Hewey Clemmons
Staff Contact:
Ted Johnson
Lot 3 in the S½ of the SW¼ of S14 and Unplatted portion of the N½ of the NW¼ of S23, T1N, R8E, BHM, Pennington Co., SD. Proposed Lots C, D, E, F and G of Clemmons Sub.
Agenda Item Summary:
The City received a request from Hewey Clemons for a variance to the requirements to install sidewalk along Reservoir Road, Green Valley Drive and Greenfield Drive adjacent to proposed Lots C, D, E, F and G for his proposed Clemmons Subdivision, 17PL081. In accordance with RCMC 16.16.050, sidewalk is required along the street frontages of the proposed lots in conjunction with subdividing and platting the property. The development, as proposed, creates six rural parcels ranging in size from 10.012 acres to 55.99 acres which abut portions of Reservoir Road, Green Valley Drive and Greenfield Drive. RCMC 12.08.060A.1, allows City Council to grant an exception to not construct sidewalk when a lot has a frontage in excess of 200 feet per dwelling unit and the property is zoned General Agriculture. The property is currently zoned Limited Agriculture in Pennington County which requires a minimum 10 acre lot per residential dwelling. As indicated on the attached sidewalk improvements sketch, approximately 4,779 linear feet of sidewalk would be required. The adjacent roads are currently paved rural roads with graded ditches and open drainage. There are no existing sidewalks in close proximity to this development. The City and County cooperatively approved the Applicant’s three exception requests to not provide additional pavement, curb and gutter and street light conduit on Reservoir Road, Green Valley Drive, Green Field Drive and the access easement.
Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):
Funding | Cost Center |
Origination Recommendation Action:
Origination Recommendation Notes:
Approve request to waive installation of sidewalk adjacent to proposed lots at this time.
Further subdivision of property or increasing density of dwelling units may require installation of sidewalk in future.
City Council Options:
1. Approve request for variance to not install sidewalk adjacent to proposed Lots C, D, E, F and G.
2. Deny request for variance to not install sidewalk.