Agenda Item Title:
Appeal of Denied Exception Request by Prairie Valley Development Company, LLC to Waive the Requirement to construct curb, gutter and sidewalks in Receda and Abelia Streets.
Origination Group:
Public Works Committee
Origination Meeting Date:
City Council Hearing Date:
Mandi Schmierer on behalf of Prairie Valley Development Company, LLC
Staff Contact:
Dan Kools - Project Engineer
Proposed Prairiefire Subdivision, Section 21, T1N, R8E, BHM, Pennington County, SD.
Agenda Item Summary:
The applicant submitted a Preliminary Subdivision Plan for a proposed development located generally west of Anderson Road, south of Winton Street and east of Zamia Street on May 26, 2017. This is the second phase of the subdivision; the first phase was platted in 2007 and the public improvements were accepted by the City in 2009. The proposed development is outside of the City limits of Rapid City, within the City’s three mile platting jurisdiction.
Applicant is proposing to construct rural street sections (pavement with ditches and driveway culverts to accommodate drainage and a four foot wide bike path in lieu of sidewalks) in the new development. The first phase of the subdivision was developed with rural street sections. The area proposed to be developed with this phase is a Greenfield site; undeveloped without existing constraints. Being a Greenfield site, the property should be developed to current City of Rapid City Design Standards. The rural street sections as proposed result in the back-slope of the ditch extending well beyond the right-of-way onto private property. Drainage easements are proposed to alleviate this situation, but future property owners may fill these easements in at some point, restricting the flow of stormwater. Having pedestrians walk adjacent to the travel lane in a bike path as proposed is not safe for the walking public. Rural street sections are problematic for the installation and maintenance of private underground utilities. Rural street sections are more appropriate for larger, estate size lots, not one-half acre lots as proposed. The potential exists for these lots to be further subdivided into smaller lots in the future.
The applicant submitted an Exception Request to Public Works to waive the requirement to construct curb, gutter and sidewalks in Receda and Abelia Streets on August 16, 2017. The Exception Request was denied by Public Works on September 1, 2017; see attached denial letter.
On September 11, 2017 the applicant submitted an appeal request. Public Works recommends denial of this request.
Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):
Funding | Cost Center |
Origination Recommendation Action:
City Council Options:
1. Deny
2. Approve