Posted: May 30, 2017
Rapid City
Agenda Item Summary

Agenda Item Ref. #: PW053017-16

Agenda Item Title:

Authorize Staff to Purchase Terex CBI 6800 wood debris grinder system using the National Joint Powers Alliance through Theco, Inc St. Michael, MN. Estimated Cost: $816,186.67.

Origination Group:
Public Works Committee
Origination Meeting Date:
City Council Hearing Date:
Staff Contact:
Karl Merbach
Solid Waste Landfill
Agenda Item Summary:
CBI grinder will replace 24 year old unit that has reached is useful life for the solid waste division. Repair and maintenance costs for the current Peterson Pacific wood waste grinder over the last 5 years have exceeded $400,000. The CBI unit is on site as a demo unit, so there will also be a saving in shipping of approximately $12,000.

Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):

Funding Cost Center
0615-7102 4365
Is Funding Budgeted?:


Origination Recommendation Action:

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