Agenda Item Title:
24TP043 - Authorize Staff to Advertise the Request for Proposals for the Railyard Relocation and Railway Alignment Study
Origination Group:
Public Works Committee
Origination Meeting Date:
City Council Hearing Date:
City of Rapid City Metropolitan Planning Organization
Staff Contact:
Kip Harrington, Long Range Planning Division Manager
Agenda Item Summary:
In 2022, the Rapid City Area Metropolitan Planning Organization adopted the Cambell Street Structure Study. This study examined the reconstruction of a bridge structure on Cambell Street in Rapid City, as well as possible changes to the routing of motorized and non-motorized traffic through the area of study. Cambell Street is a north-south arterial street that includes a large structure over the main rail line and multiple rail switching lines utilized by the Rapid City, Pierre and Eastern Railroad (RCPE). The structure is currently anticipated to be reconstructed around the year 2030. The RCPE switchyard is located adjacent to Cambell Street south of the structure. The study evaluated multiple options for the realignment of roadways to enhance mobility over and around the structure. As a part of the study, the idea of relocating the railyard was introduced. By relocating the railyard, the switching movements could be moved to a location that will no longer block arterial and local streets in Rapid City. Additionally, a desire to identify a possible reconfiguration of the rail lines through Rapid City was identified to provide a more efficient through movement of rail traffic.. The intent of this project is to build upon the foundation created by the Cambell Street Structure Study to examine the feasibility of relocating the current RCPE switchyard in Rapid City to an alternate location or locations, identify prospective locations, provide planning level cost estimates for relocation scenarios, and determine if a more efficient rail line configuration can be identified. The study will consider impacts to the existing RCPE rail line and switchyard, traffic patterns on roadways affected by the RCPE rail line, mobility of non-motorized transportation users, with a focus on the Cambell Street structure reconstruction/removal. Stakeholder and public input will be a critical component of the study. Stakeholders are anticipated to include, but are not limited to, RCPE, the City, SDDOT, FHWA, FRA, freight customers of RCPE, and military freight.
Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):
Funding | Cost Center |
Origination Recommendation Action: