Agenda Item Title:
22VA013 - Variance to reduce required parking from 62 parking spaces to 31 parking spaces and to reduce a drive aisle to 11 feet
Origination Group:
Planning Commission
Origination Meeting Date:
Peter Schmid for Galt Investments LLC
Staff Contact:
Sarah Hanzel, Planning Projects Division Manager
809 South Street
Agenda Item Summary:
The applicant requests a Variance to reduce parking spaces from 62 to 31 and to reduce a drive aisle width to 11 feet. The property is zoned General Commercial District on the portion of the lot with the structural development, and High Density Residential District on the portion of the lot with the surface parking lot. The building is three stories, used entirely for office spaces. The parking lot contains 31 spaces. The lot has street frontage on both the north and south lot lines, each with two drive aisles. The presence of a stairwell reduces the drive aisle in one location to 11 feet, as shown on the applicant’s site plan. The existing conditions do not interrupt the safe flow of vehicular or pedestrian movement on the site. The applicant proposed to retain the first two floors for office use, and convert the third floor to four residential units. An addition is proposed to the top of the building. The proposed addition would include one additional residential unit, for a total of 5 apartments. The structure is a contributing structure in the West Boulevard Historic District, and the proposed addition will require historic review and approval. The applicant is seeking to obtain the Variance prior to investing in the full plans set necessary for the historic review.
Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):
Funding | Cost Center |
Origination Recommendation Action:
Approve with Stipulations
Origination Recommendation Notes:
Zoning Board of Adjustments Approved with Stipulations outlined in the Project Report based on Criteria #2 being in Harmony with General Purpose and intent of the zoning ordinance: 1/5/2023