Agenda Item Title:
22UR028 - Conditional Use Permit to allow a young adult drop-in and transitional housing Center
Origination Group:
Planning Commission
Origination Meeting Date:
Joseph Barb for Family Connections Center Inc
Staff Contact:
Tanner Holanen, Current Planner I
706 Monroe Street
Agenda Item Summary:
(Update: 12/01/22 – This item was continued at the November 23, 2022, Planning Commission meeting to allow time for the applicant to address neighborhood questions and concerns. A town hall style meeting was held by the applicant on November 29 to discuss the project with area residents. All revised text is shown in bold.)
The applicant has submitted a Conditional Use Permit application to allow 706 E Monroe Street to be used as a drop-in and transitional housing center for youth and young adults in need of social support services. The target population will be individuals experiencing literal, imminent risk, or at-risk of homelessness and individuals fleeing domestic violence. It is anticipated that there will be six to ten youth / young adults and five staff members on the property the majority of the time, youth attendance may increase to 20 for special events. The site is anticipated to serve between 40 to 50 individuals per year. No interior or exterior alterations are proposed as part of this application. The intended use is classified as a group home in the Rapid City Municipal Code which is a Conditional Use in the Medium Density Residential District. As per Chapter 17.04.350 of the Rapid City Municipal Code, a group home is defined as “an activity providing personal assistance to 6 or more individuals unrelated by blood or marriage who, by reason of mental of physical disability, addiction to drugs or alcohol, or family and school adjustment problems, require specialized attention and care in order to achieve personal independence. The assistance must include board and room, and may include counseling, rehabilitative services and other incidental services customarily provided by group homes. This shall not include missions, detoxification centers or detention centers.” The church was built in 1960 and is approximately 4,000 square feet in size, one story in height, and has a gross floor area of 8,000 square feet. The church will be used as a drop-in center for individuals 16 to 24 years of age and is where all support services, along with the social and emotional activities, will be conducted. Public access to the drop-in center will be 1:00 pm to 8:00 pm, seven days a week. During events such as life skills workshops or social / emotional support programs, it is anticipated that there will be up to 20 youth / young adults at any given time in attendance. The single-family dwelling was built in 1960 and is approximately 1,008 square feet in size, one story in height, and has a gross floor area of 2,016 square feet. The building has four bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a two-car garage. The home will be used to temporarily house four young adults ranging from 18 to 24 years of age. Each individual will be allowed to reside at the home for 30 days up to 24 months to stabilize and relocate outside this facility. The storage shed is approximately 140 square feet in size and will be used to store common garden supplies. The shed is located within an approximately 3,000-square-foot fenced area which is tentatively planned to be used as a garden for the youth / young adults. The applicant currently operates a group home at 2920 Sheridan Lake Road, has been in operation for one and a half years, and has worked with 85 youth / young adults in the Rapid City area. As noted in the letter of intent it is anticipated that there will be very few self-driving youths and young adults. These individuals will use pick-up and drop-off services through Journey On, access transportation through 211, or use public transportation. There is no parking rate defined for group homes in the Code and as such the required parking is determined based on the parking demand which is case specific to the operational plan. The five parking spaces required were based on the number of anticipated staff that will be on the property at any given time. As per 17.50.270.G.2 of the Code, circulation within a parking area shall be such that a vehicle need not enter a public right-of-way backwards. The site plan submitted identifies ingress and egress from the alley to the provided parking spaces. Upon submittal of a Building Permit, the applicant must provide a revised site plan with a redesigned parking layout so that vehicles can enter the public right-of-way in a forward motion or a Variance must be obtained.
Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):
Funding | Cost Center |
Origination Recommendation Action:
Approve with Stipulations
Origination Recommendation Notes:
Planning Commission Continued to the December 8, 2022 Planning Commission Meeting: 11/23/2022; Planning Commission Approved with Stipulations outlined in the Project Report: 12/8/2022