Agenda Item Title:
22RZ005 - Rezoning request form Low Density Residential District I to General Commercial District
Origination Group:
Planning Commission
Origination Meeting Date:
City Council First Reading Date:
City Council Second Reading Date:
KTM Design Solutions, Inc for Stoneridge LLC
Staff Contact:
Tanner Holanen, Current Planner I
Southeast of the intersection of 5th Street and Enchanted Pines Drive
Agenda Item Summary:
The applicant has submitted a Rezoning request to change the zoning designation of the property located southeast of the intersection of Enchanted Pines Drive and 5th Street from Low Density Residential District I to General Commercial District. The subject parcel is 5.28 acres in size and is currently void of any structural development. The rezoning request is intended to accommodate a mixed-use development with a variety of commercial and residential land uses not permitted in the current zoning district. The property is accessed by 5th Street which is designed to accommodate commercial traffic and properties located east and south along this roadway are currently zoned for commercial development. The proposed rezoning will better align with the existing development patterns in this area and provide future commercial services for the residential properties in the vicinity. In order to mitigate any potential impacts to the existing residential development within the area, staff is recommending that the Rezoning request be approved in conjunction with a Planned Development Designation.
Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):
Funding | Cost Center |
Origination Recommendation Action:
Origination Recommendation Notes:
Planning Commission approved in conjunction with Planned Development Designation: 5/5/2022
City Council Recommendation Action:
City Council Recommendation Notes:
City Council approved 1st Reading: 5/16/2022; City Council approved 2nd Reading: 6/6/2022