Posted: January 05, 2023
Rapid City
Agenda Item Summary

Agenda Item Ref. #: 22PD053 - 5th Street Office Plaza

Agenda Item Title:

22PD053 - Initial Planned Development to allow mixed use development

Origination Group:
Planning Commission
Origination Meeting Date:
Upper Deck Architects, Inc for Gustafson Builders
Staff Contact:
Tanner Halonen, Current Planner I
4908 5th Street
Agenda Item Summary:
The applicant submitted an Initial Planned Development Overlay to allow a mixed-use development at 4908 5th Street. During review of the application, it was identified that a portion of the property must be rezoned from General Commercial District to Office Commercial District to allow an apartment building to be constructed as a part of the mixed-use development. This item was continued to the January 5, 2023, Planning Commission meeting to be heard in conjunction with the rezone application. On December 9, 2023, the applicant submitted the rezone application (#22RZ020) which is being considered in conjunction with this application. The subject property is comprised of 5.32 acres of vacant land zoned General Commercial District. The applicant is proposing to subdivide the property into two lots that will be 2.02 acres and 3.3 acres in size. The western 2.02-acre lot will be known as Lot 4A and will be developed as a mixed-use building with commercial on the ground floor and 48 multi-family units above. The building will be approximately 18,700 square feet in size and four stories in height. Each floor above the ground level will have 16 dwelling units. The eastern 3.3-acre lot will be known as Lot 4B and developed as a 75-unit apartment building. The building will be approximately three stories in height and will have a lower-level parking garage. Each floor will have 25 dwelling units. Residential on the ground floor is prohibited in the current zoning district and necessitates the associated rezone of this lot to the Office Commercial District.

Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):

Funding Cost Center


Origination Recommendation Action:
Approve with Stipulations
Origination Recommendation Notes:
Planning Commission Continued to the January 5, 2023 Plannng Commission Meeting: 12/8/2022; Planning Commission Approved with Stipulations outlined in the Project Report: 1/5/2023

Attachments & Links to Download:

22PD053 Project Report 

22PD053 Attachments

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