Agenda Item Title:
22PD051 - Final Planned Development Overlay to allow medical clinic
Origination Group:
Planning Commission
Origination Meeting Date:
Optimum Mental Healthcare Professionals
Staff Contact:
Tanner Holanen, Current Planner I
804 West Boulevard
Agenda Item Summary:
(Update: 12/01/22 – This item was continued at the November 23, 2022, Planning Commission meeting to allow time for the applicant to address neighborhood questions and concerns. No other portion of this report has been revised.)The applicant has submitted a Final Planned Development Overlay to allow a mental health clinic at 804 West Boulevard. The property is comprised of 0.17 acres of land zoned High Density Residential District and consists of an office building that is one story in height and 1,448 square feet in size. The building was built in 1884 and was previously used as a dental office and most recently a family law office. A mental health clinic is otherwise defined as a professional office in the Rapid City Municipal Code and is a Conditional Use in the High Density Residential District. The clinic will operate between the hours of 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday to Friday and will only see patients with scheduled appointments. The appointments will range from 20 minutes to an hour and will be conducted in person and remotely. It is anticipated that five employees and four patients maximum will be on the property at any one time. There will be no overnight patient stays at the clinic. The dumpster is located in the southeast corner of the property and will be loaded and unloaded outside of normal business hours. No interior or exterior alterations are being proposed as part of this application. On June 6, 1971, City Council approved a Conditional Use Permit to allow the property to be used as a dental office. On February 21, 2013, the Planning Commission approved a Major Amendment to the Conditional Use Permit (#13UR002) to allow a professional office. As part of that approval it was stipulated that the use be limited to one employee. As per 17.50.270.D of the Rapid City Municipal Code, five on-site parking spaces are required and the site plan submitted identifies that four spaces are provided. The applicant has requested an Exception as part of this application to allow four parking spaces in lieu of the five required. The request is a 20% deviation from the requirement. As per 17.50.270.F.2 of the Rapid City Municipal Code, the minimum width for a two-way drive aisle accessing 90-degree parking is 26 feet. The site plan submitted identifies a two-way drive aisle that is 13.2 feet in width which is deficient by 12.8 feet. The applicant has requested an Exception as part of this application to allow a 13.2-foot wide drive aisle in lieu of the 26 feet required. The request is a 50% deviation from the requirement. As per 17.50.270.G.2 of the Rapid City Municipal Code, circulation within a parking area shall be such that a vehicle need not enter a public right-of-way backwards. The site plan submitted identifies that the drive aisle has an insufficient width for vehicles to turn around and enter the public right-of-way in a forward motion. The applicant has requested an Exception as part of this application to allow vehicles to back into the public right-of-way. A Final Planned Development is required to change the operational plan of the previous approval specifically to increase the number of employees and to approve the requested Exceptions.
Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):
Funding | Cost Center |
Origination Recommendation Action:
Approve with Stipulations
Origination Recommendation Notes:
Planning Commission Continued to the December 8, 2022 Planning Commission Meeting: 11/23/2022