Agenda Item Title:
22PD033 - Final Planned Development Overlay to allow a multi-family development
Origination Group:
Planning Commission
Origination Meeting Date:
TJ Olson for Signature Companies LLC
Staff Contact:
Tanner Holanen, Current Planner I
Southeast of the intersection of E. Anamosa Street and E. Philadelphia Street
Agenda Item Summary:
The applicant has submitted a Final Planned Development Overlay to allow for a multi-family development on the proposed properties located northeast of the terminus of Mickelson Drive. The subject properties are zoned Medium Density Residential District and Medium Density Residential District with a Planned Development Overlay. The applicant is proposing to subdivide two lots and develop an apartment complex on each lot. The proposed development is a two-phase project. Phase One includes the development of the proposed 17.2-acre lot which is bounded by the future extensions of Mickelson Drive to the west and East Anamosa Street to the east. Phase Two includes the development of the proposed 7.1-acre lot which abuts the future extension of East Anamosa Street to the west. This application is to consider Phase One of the development only. A Traffic Impact Study was submitted and reviewed as part of this application and the proposed development is consistent with the assumptions outlined in that report. A Major Amendment to the Planned Development Overlay will be required once plans have been finalized for Phase Two. Phase One involves the development of 20 townhome apartment buildings, two typical apartment buildings, four detached garages, and a clubhouse. In total, 271 dwelling units and 27 buildings are proposed. The townhome apartments occupy the majority of the property and include five 5-unit buildings, two seven-unit buildings, two eight-unit buildings, eight 10-unit buildings, and three 12-unit buildings. The townhome apartments range from 5,035 square feet to 10,070 square feet in size and are two stories or 20.6 feet to 22.4 feet in height. In total, 171 townhome apartment units are being proposed, 66 of which will have front-attached double car garages.The apartment buildings will be located in the southeastern portion of the property and will each contain 50 dwelling units. The apartment buildings are 15,405 square feet in size and three stories or 33.2 feet in height. In total, 100 apartment units are being proposed. The detached garages will range from 1,491 square feet to 2,983 square feet in size and will be one story or 10.3 feet in height. The clubhouse will be located in the eastern portion of the property and will be 3,155 square feet in size and one story or 22.9 feet in height. The facility will be accessible to all tenants and will have a rental office, lounge, exercise room, recreation area, and an outdoor pool and deck. As per 17.12.070.B of the Rapid City Municipal Code, in the Medium Density Residential District, accessory buildings shall not exceed 15 feet in height. The applicant has requested an Exception as part of this application to allow for the clubhouse to be 20.9-feet in height in lieu of the 15-foot maximum. The request is a 39% deviation from the requirement. As per 17.50.300.E.2 of the Code, the amount of plant material shall be based on a point system. The square footage of the developed portion of the lot not covered by buildings shall equal the required number of landscaping points. The applicant has requested an Exception as part of this application to allow 448,835 landscaping points in lieu of the 573,339 landscaping points required. The request is a 22% deviation from the requirement.
Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):
Funding | Cost Center |
Origination Recommendation Action:
Approve with Stipulations
Origination Recommendation Notes:
Planning Commission Approved with Stipulations: 9/8/2022