Posted: October 21, 2021
Rapid City
Agenda Item Summary

Agenda Item Ref. #: 21UR019 - Greenway Tract

Agenda Item Title:

21UR019 - Major Amendment to a Conditional Use Permit to expand on-sale liquor in conjunction with a golf course

Origination Group:
Planning Commission
Origination Meeting Date:
Kristy Lintz, City of Rapid City Parks and Recreation
Staff Contact:
Karl Bauer, Current Planner II
2331 Arrowhead Drive
Agenda Item Summary:
(Update: October 12, 2021. All revised and/or added text is shown in bold.) At the October 7, 2021 Planning Commission meeting, Planning Commission voted to continue this item to the October 21, 2021 Planning Commission meeting to allow time for staff to research when the use of the beverage cart was initiated. In particular, if the use of the beverage cart was in place prior to 1993 and it has continually been in use, then this application is not needed. Upon review, it has been determined that a beverage cart has been in operation since 2002, when the clubhouse was opened. As such, this Conditional Use Permit application must be reviewed and approved to bring the existing beverage cart service into compliance. Please note that no other portion of this report has been revised. The applicant has requested a Major Amendment to a Conditional Use Permit to expand on-sale liquor in conjunction with a golf course. More specifically, the applicant is proposing to use a beverage cart for the sale of beer, wine, soda, and water at the Meadowbrook Golf Course. The applicant has indicated that the cart will operate daily during regular golf course hours, roughly from sunrise to sunset, and may be extended for special events. The cart will be operated by City staff. There is existing on-sale liquor in the clubhouse that is considered legal non-conforming, as it was in place before 1993. The on-sale beer and wine inside the clubhouse is operated by Platinum Restaurant Group, Inc. as Marco’s Pizza. The subject property is 165.65 acres in size and is located along Jackson Boulevard east of the intersection with Park Drive. It is zoned as Flood Hazard District, Park Forest District, and Low Density Residential District I. While the northern and western parts of the property are zoned as Flood Hazard District, a Floodplain Development Permit is not needed since the beverage cart is not considered a structure.

Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):

Funding Cost Center


Origination Recommendation Action:
Approve with Stipulations
Origination Recommendation Notes:
Planning Commission Continued to the 10/21/2021 Planning Commission Meeting: 10/7/2021; Planning Commission Approved with Stipulations: 10/21/2021

Attachments & Links to Download:

21UR019 Project Report 

21UR019 Attachments

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