Agenda Item Title:
21RZ024 - Rezoning request from No Use District to Low Density Residential II District
Origination Group:
Planning Commission
Origination Meeting Date:
City Council First Reading Date:
City Council Second Reading Date:
KTM Design Solutions, Inc for SSST, LLC
Staff Contact:
Karl Bauer, Current Planner II
South of the intersection of Pahlmeyer Drive and Caymus Drive
Agenda Item Summary:
The applicant has submitted a Rezone request from No Use District to Low Density Residential District II (LDR II) due to the annexation of the property into the City limits. In addition to the annexation (21AN003), the applicant has also submitted a Preliminary Subdivision Plan (21PL106) to subdivide the property into 24 residential lots. The subject property consists of 40 acres located southwest of Elk Vale Road. It is void of structural development. This Rezoning request complies with the Comprehensive Plan future land use designation of Urban Neighborhood.
Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):
Funding | Cost Center |
Origination Recommendation Action:
Origination Recommendation Notes:
Planning Commission recommended to approve: 11/4/2021
City Council Recommendation Action:
City Council Recommendation Notes:
City Council approved 1st reading:11/15/2021; 2nd reading 12/6/2021; City Council approved 2nd reading: 12/6/2021